scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, January 09, 2017
Carry Reciprocity Coming ?
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- oldvet1950 said...
Not sure I want this to happen unless there are uniform rules for the CCW. Right now several states allow illegals to get DLs; are their standards for a CCW just as stringent??? The guy that shot up the Ft. Lauderdale airport had a CCW but was undergoing psych evals - why wasn't his permit yanked by the state? I'm for people control - not gun control!
1/9/17, 4:42 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I think we are all in agreement there. No proof of citizenship, no permit. Prison record for violent crime/drugs: no permit. Can't speak English- sorry. Women who don't look good on the range-out.
Wait. I got carried away. I'll defer further comment. -
1/9/17, 4:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Wayne, your heart is in the right place, mostly, but you just don't seem to see that national carry and permitless carry just enables the law abiding, not the lawless, who are by definition ALREADY ARMED!
Illegals? yup, already breaking the law.
Gangbangers and douchebags? Yup, them too.
Nutbags like the church shooter, the movie shooter, and the airport shooter? Yup, already got em, already using em.
Us law abiding flag waving patriot types....?
Sheesh, how hard is it? -
1/9/17, 11:20 PM
Anonymous said...
The second amendment has no 'exceptions'.
Everyone except x, because commonsense.
Let's add y, because commonsense.
When you are z...commonsense.
No exceptions. Crazy guy? Help him. Ex-con? Don't let him out if he's dangerous. -
1/10/17, 6:54 AM
Anonymous said...
News is that DJT offspring is going to push to legalize suppressors. It just gets better and better every day. Still, I feel better having my CCL coming from Florida, great state of, rather than the big central authority. Not good when the wind blows back the other way. -Anymouse
1/10/17, 12:28 PM
- Billll said...
There's a bit in there about the carrier being allowed to carry as long as he/she does it according to the local requirements, so if you have a CCW from Colorado and travel to New Jersey, you can carry as long as your magazine is 10 rounds or less and none of your ammo is hollow point. You may also need a New Jersey issued permit to own a pistol.
1/10/17, 3:17 PM
- JimB said...
Sorry Billl you're wrong about NJ.. Mag limit is 15 rounds and you need a permit to buy not own a pistol. I live in NJ and hope reciprocity is coming soon.
1/11/17, 11:47 AM