scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, February 27, 2017
Hollywood Racists Again
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Skoonj said...
I used to like Kimmel on The Man Show. I don't think he's done anything noteworthy since.
2/27/17, 9:40 AM
- rickn8or said...
Somewhere, Steve Harvey is pointing and laughing.
2/27/17, 10:55 AM
Anonymous said...
Gee, the hand made $200 envelopes didn't have the category written on them large enough for the guy backstage to give the right one to the acting drones?
--mech -
2/27/17, 11:30 AM
Anonymous said...
Speaking of BET, do you know why it's called that?
Because the letters "TNN" were already taken.
Anyway, why should anybody give a popcorn fart wtf happens on the Oscars?
Moo-lin-yan Nabo-li-don -
2/27/17, 1:06 PM
jlw said...
i'm sure that after PriceWaterhouseCooper is investigated for the error, the SJW will decide that they were either working for Trump or soliciting business from Trump.
2/27/17, 1:08 PM
- Walt said...
They should saw the Oscar in half, vertically, head to toe up the ass crack to reflect the half-assed movies they are making.
2/27/17, 5:37 PM
- toadold said...
Half assed,,,ah donkeys making movies.
2/27/17, 6:18 PM
Anonymous said...
And the winner is..........
Vlad-The-Inhaler -
2/28/17, 12:18 AM
Anonymous said...
You only had ONE JOB!
2/28/17, 12:45 AM