The Trump/Putin collusion conspiracy is, arguably, one of the most successful “fake news” propaganda campaigns in the history of the Democratic Party’s decades-long collusion with mainstream media PR outlets.
Indeed, there is no foreseeable end to the Demo/MSM transparent collusion to delegitimize the legitimate election of Donald Trump and to undermine his legislative agenda and that of congressional Republicans, including the restoration of Rule of Law.
The Demo/MSM charade centers on the claim that Mr. Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin cut a deal to undermine Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Apparently, we are to believe that Mr. Trump’s agenda in support of Liberty is more aligned with Putin’s socialist ideology than Clinton’s mega-socialist ideology, or that of her hyper-socialist opponent, Bernie Sanders.
Of course, it’s much more likely that, if the Russians endeavored to undermine Clinton’s abysmal campaign specifically, it was because she colluded with the DNC to undermine the campaign of Vladimir Putin’s preferred candidate — the aforementioned Bernie Sanders. If Russian surrogate hackers had a candidate-specific objective, it was to punish Clinton for rigging the Democrat campaign against Sanders. It was certainly not to reward Trump, with whom they had nothing in common politically, and whom they undoubtedly assumed would ultimately be crushed by the Clinton machine in the general election.
While punishing Clinton might have been a factor, there is no question that there was a Russian dezinformatsiya campaign in 2016, but the primary objective was to further erode American citizens' confidence in our government, regardless of who was elected, by undermining the integrity of our election process. Russians have endeavored to hack away at our republican government since the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, but, until the digital age, they had to rely on socialist agitators in the U.S. — like Barack Obama and his long list of mentors.
As for collusion with Russia, while there is absolutely no evidence of collusion between Trump and Putin, there is clear and substantiated evidence of such collusion between Obama, Clinton and Putin.
Let’s review… |