Sunday, July 09, 2017



rwnutjob said...

The anti-Obama.
Remember the salute without taking his coffee out of his hand?
Couldn't be bothered. Came from the Bill Clinton "I loathe the military" wing of the DemocRAT party

Tom said...

One of the military men? That's a United States Marine.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet President Trump can hold his own Goddamned umbrella. Boy that felt good to watch. Semper Fly -Anymouse

Chris in NC said...

CNN Headline: Donald Trump assaults black Marine by hitting him on his shoulder

Anonymous said...

Just run the clip backward from the moment he puts the cap on until he claps boarding the copter and you have the perfect news story of "Trump celebrates knocking off Marine's hat."

Anonymous said...

"One of the military men"? We're surprised she didn't call him a "soldier"!

Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku

Anonymous said...

And it's not a fricking hat. It's a barracks cover. -Anymouse

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