scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, July 16, 2017
I'll have mine well done, waiter. Do you have A1 Sauce?
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Looks just like corned beef, $2 for a 12 ounce can.
ignore amos -
7/16/17, 10:59 AM
- Eskyman said...
Looks like meat-colored formica, but it probably goes well with arugula.
Think I'll stick to meatloaf. Besides, you can put onions & jalapenos in meatloaf. -
7/16/17, 2:43 PM
- Dan said...
"This square of beef is worth the same amount of money as a decent car."
Uhhhh...Nah. They may CHARGE as much, but it sure is't WORTH as much. -
7/16/17, 4:11 PM
- SA-X4 said...
I don't like Spam !!
7/16/17, 4:27 PM
- JeremyR said...
Dan, just cause they charge a lot for a car does not mean the car is worth a lot.
7/16/17, 6:08 PM
Anonymous said...
That texture looks like a photomicrograph of some form of hideous cancer.
7/16/17, 9:08 PM
Leonard Jones said...
Eskyman, don't be a sissy. Make it onions and Trinidad Scorpion or Carolina
Reaper peppers. Still trying to grow the 4 hottest species, and even have
48 Woozie bottles in order make WICKED sauces buddy!
Anyway, whatever that crap is, it better taste good at that price. I see
this as some type of formed meat like chicken sandwich patties at a fast food
joint. As a former cook, I can guarantee that is processed meat!
7/17/17, 5:57 AM
Cheesy said...
Agree! Looks just like a slice of Spam....
7/17/17, 7:55 AM
- Murphy(AZ) said...
First: why am I not surprised that it's a FRENCH restaurant? And yes, it sure does look like Spam, don't it?
Second: Eskyman, you too? And sliced mushrooms!
Third: Leonard Jones, meatloaf should be like a never-ending science experiment; try this, try that, and if it tastes good and doesn't fall apart when you slice it, you have a winner. For me, I'm old school enough to still want to cook mine in an oven, not on the counter. -
7/17/17, 8:25 AM
- toadold said...
When I buy corned beef in a can I keep it in the refrigerator. It is easier to slice that way.
7/17/17, 9:42 AM
- Unknown said...
Meanwhile, I'm selling whole beef tenderloins for $8.99 lb. We call 'em "Classic" -- they're ungraded, hence the price. I fix 'em Chateaubriand style ("The King of Steak") in a skillet at 450º F. for 15 min. (115º F. internal temp. when removed from heat); it's slightly crusty outside (I oil it and season liberally with McCormick's Montreal Steak™), blood rare inside, absolutely melts in your mouth, and I guarantee nobody will ever say "Hey, wait a minute, this isn't Choice!"
7/17/17, 12:06 PM
- Eskyman said...
Thanks Murphy & Leonard,
For the meatloaf suggestions! Yes, mushrooms will go in nicely, and yes, I need to put in some higher-octane peppers!
(Tho in my defense, I usually add the hot stuff when it's on the plate. I can recommend Blair's 'Sudden Death Sauce' and Hot Headz 'Who Dares Burns' and can assure you that the burn continues long after consummation. Either will really start your engine!)
(WARNING: if you haven't tried these, try ONE drop first to check your heat tolerance- if you slather it on like catsup, I'd really like to hear how it went!)
If you haven't heard the story, here's a good one that's apropos: -
7/17/17, 12:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Eskyman wrote:
"... the burn continues long after consummation."
We think you must've meant "consumption". A burn that continues long after consummation can usually be addressed with penicillin.
Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku -
7/17/17, 12:56 PM