Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Tarmac

DEEP STATE                


A Quiet Meeting ...
The tarmac meeting being only small talk does make sense if it was the end point, not the starting point.

Lynch Meat

We now know a lot more about the sequence of events, which now strongly suggests that the tarmac meeting was not the start of events that led to the exoneration. Rather, it now appears that the tarmac meeting was the end of that process, the signal to the Clintons that all was taken care of.
The key facts we know now but did not know then are:
  1. The tarmac meeting was planned, not spontaneous, as we covered on August 5, 2017, ACLJ: DOJ Document Dump Shows Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Summit Planned, Media Coverup.
  2. The conduct of Lynch in trying to conceal details was not consistent with it being an innocent meeting, as we covered on August 7, 2017, Loretta Lynch used alias “Elizabeth Carlisle” to email about Bill Clinton tarmac meeting and August 10, 2017, Why did Loretta Lynch need DOJ Talking Points about a meeting she alone attended?
  3. The FBI has tried its best not to produce documents regarding the tarmac meeting, and when it did, those documents focused heavily on how the meeting was discovered, as Judicial Watch reported on November 30, 2017.
  4. The FBI decided, sometime by early May 2016, not to charge Hillary. The drafts of the exoneration statement now are public, and show a concerted effort to reword the language to support exoneration. These drafts took place prior to the tarmac meeting and prior to the interview of Hillary on July 4th weekend.
  5. Senior FBI agent Peter Strzok, who was part of the team investigating Hillary, was removed from the Mueller investigation of supposed Russia collusion in the summer  of 2016 for sending anti-Trump text messages (though the removal was not disclosed for several months). Strzok was involved in editing and softening the Comey draft exoneration statement.
  6. Strzok was having an affair with FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Based on text messages recently released, it appears they believed Hillary would not be charged and suggested Lynch Knew the Outcome of FBI Hillary Probe in Advance.
So what significance does the tarmac meeting take in this new context?
So the tarmac meeting very likely signaled to Hillary through Bill that all was good, that there was nothing to worry about regarding her upcoming FBI interview.

How would that signal take place? It could have been stated verbally, but more likely was the proverbial nod and wink. If anyone understands body language, it’s Bill Clinton. He didn’t need to be told in words, though we can’t rule that out.

Sarah Carter, for one, asks this burning question:

 Why Are Strzok and Page Still With The FBI?


Tom Smith said...

I know the public would not have the stomach for a public hanging, but this stuff is qualifying........Need some serious jail time for these "untouchables". Sessions has to go first though.

Skoonj said...

Secret society within the FBI? Meetings off-site? Insurance policy? Can someone give me a word other than treason that fits here? I'm wondering if, when President Trump goes for an interview by Mueller, he will bring a lot of his own private security team, plus the Secret Service. When he arrives, he can place Mueller and the rest of the Hee Haw gang under arrest and take them to a very secure location. Fortunately, there is one person who was at the off-site meeting(s) who is talking. That will make a difference. Once the "night of the long knives" brings in the suspects, the charges will be made public. I believe there is a lot in the possession of the White House that has not been talked about.

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