scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, September 05, 2018
McCain is Dead
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Skoonj said...
Is he still dead?
9/5/18, 9:06 PM
Anonymous said...
First, right up front, I couldn't stand John McCain, believing him to be all for and about John McCain, not the people and Constitution he swore to serve.
However, I have to object to the McCain slam blaming him for the Forrestal tragedy.
Cuckoo and self-centered though he was, McCain had nothing to do with the Forrestal fire other than he survived it through quick thinking.
Static electricity caused an aircraft parked on deck (not McCain's), not anywhere near McCain's aircraft, to fire a Zuni missile into another aircraft, which started the chain reaction catastrophe. McCain can be seen crawling out on his refueling probe to escape the flames around him just before the first bomb cooked off.
It's wrong, wrong, wrong, a dishonor to the dead and living who heroically saved lives and their ship, to make political hay of their terrible day.
Whoever originated this needs to do some more fact checking before smearing someone.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
9/5/18, 9:28 PM
- oy vey ole' said...
"There has been a rolling debate since the incident..."
So, who knows? I was waiting for the Songbird nickname story, but he never mentioned it in the article. -
9/5/18, 10:08 PM
Anonymous said...
http://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-when-tokyo-rose-ran-for-president/ -
9/5/18, 11:23 PM
- HMS Defiant said...
I'll go along with the Lt.Col. The instant after McCain announced his run the entire left want crazier and in less than 5 minutes they had something like 500 stories about how McCain caused the rocket to fire or ran away or was in league with Trotsky or something.
OTOH, it's easy to see why people might be misled so far astray from the truth given that the navy recently selected an officer for promotion to Admiral despite that fact that as a LT he deliberately shot down a USAF F-4 during a training mission that even a complete moron would know would never call for selecting and firing real missiles. He did it, crippled both officers in the F-4 which was destroyed and was able to stay in the navy system until it was his turn to be selected for admiral. Mind boggling. -
9/6/18, 1:25 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Throw out the Forrestal story and you’ll still have a miserable sack of shite
9/6/18, 7:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Throw out the Forrestal story He's still ...a miserable sack of shite
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
9/6/18, 9:24 AM
- rickn8or said...
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick, I agree; McCain did enough skeezy shit that is known and well-documented without making something up. In my 21 years of Naval Aviation (1972-1993, I never once heard anything resembling the "Wet-Start Story"; IIRC the story seemed to surface as soon as he had the nomination for President in 2008.
As regards the "Songbird" nickname, none of his co-POWs has seen fit to comment on it, nor have the alleged propaganda tapes surfaced.
Make no mistake about it; I despise the man. He was a self-centered elitist prick, an incompetent aviator and a sorry excuse for a Naval Officer. -
9/6/18, 10:00 AM
- oy vey ole' said...
I'm at least thankful that John Kerry will never, ever receive a tribute like this.
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/john-mccains-final-flight-captain-charles-plumb/ -
9/6/18, 10:19 AM
- Unknown said...
I am guilty of buying into and promulgating the story blaming McCain for the Forrestal fire; ¡Mea culpa! I also admit that I don't know dick about naval aviation.
Was I similarly wrong about him being instrumental in weaponizing the IRS against the Tea Parties? How about his efforts to block access to (and cover-up) info about MIAs in Vietnam? And that's not all... -
9/6/18, 12:48 PM
Anonymous said...
^^^Rickn8or - I've seen one wet start from a jet in my life, and it generated a big flash and a huuuuge ball and column of black smoke; IOW, it was very visible. McCain's A-4's tailpipe was pointed out over the port side, not at another aircraft, and I didn't see any "wet start" in the Forrestal film, but did see the Zuni rocket flash across the deck in front of McCain's aircraft.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
9/6/18, 1:17 PM
- rickn8or said...
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick, right you are. I've seen all sorts of explanations about how McCain started the fire, everything from him refusing a waveoff and landing anyway to him jettisoning his bombs on deck in a fit of pique because he wasn't the first one off the pointy end that morning.
But the "wet start" story is the most prevalent. I usually counter with asking the teller what exactly a wet start is and how does the pilot initiate it, then ask them why would someone rawhide the only engine on his airplane that's got to carry him over the water, to the target and back.
Like I said, we've got McCain on too much other shit to make things up. -
9/6/18, 4:10 PM