scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
War is hell
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Precise as usual, Rodger. After watching FNC last night, I made similar comments to my husband. The Islamics have taken great advantage of the tolerance for others people seem to have these days. They have established themselves in societies world wide. And if we don't wake up soon, it will be the death of us ALL. WWII reference appropriate.
Water cannons, rubber pellets, tear gas bombs, (for the weak not willing actual fire power) would have slowed or stopped the rioting and destruction of the Danish embassy. BUT, it was sanctioned by the local government in Damascus. Point to note: the death of all who are not w/Islam. It's SO past time to get a grip on this.
And yes. What about the daily attacks on Christianity here in the good ol' USA? OH,the hipocracy!
Joyce -
2/7/06, 11:57 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Pay raise to you
2/7/06, 12:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Going on 5 years since the big one and people still don't get it.
Is that your cat? It looks like mine, a Norwegian Forest cat. Mine likes to chase me and attack my calves.
A real fatboy at about 20 lbs.
Greg -
2/7/06, 2:18 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
No, I'm a dog person.
2/7/06, 3:27 PM
- Kenneth said...
Rodger - none of the really popular people who are discussing this issue will speak to me or even take notice of my questions, so I decided to ask you. Obviously those rampaging, posturing lunatics overseas are trying to activate the lunatics that were provided effortless, unchallenged entry, and are already moving among us, and my friends and I are concerned. What do we do to save ourselves? Do we counter this as individuals, family units, tribes? Will we know when more than a seriously nasty personal attitude is required?
If contempt underlined by scorn were effective they should have disappeared immediately just from the opinions in my community. It isn't and they didn't. As a next move, we are prepared to vote against anyone who wants to compromise with these people, but that is months away. Then we determined we will never buy anything associated with Muslim (have never wanted to anyway but this is to cut off fanatic fuel), and in fact, since we can't tell them apart, and they all intermingle anyway, we will never purchase anything related to the Arab world. (We live in one of the richest oil and gas producing areas in the U.S., so we are using local product.)
Finally, just for a sense of group temperature that stimulated the above, althogh we understand the purposed philosophical distinctions between moderate Muslim and that other, we no longer care. As of this latest craze, we hold the entire Muslim world responsible for the deviants it has spawned (from the rabble-rousers, to the roused-rabble), and as a footnote to our recent discussions leading to that opinion, we feel that this is backed by the law regarding dangerous animal ownership. When a dangerous animal gets loose and chews someone up, the animal is euthanized and the owner is made to pay (i.e. if you feed it, shelter it, or it speaks in you name and you don't object, it is your responsibility).
So that's all the proaction stuff we have this far, but is that enough to save the world? Our world? This side of town? -
2/7/06, 6:42 PM
Anonymous said...
excommunicate 'em.
2/8/06, 2:17 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
kenneth - I am having a bit of difficulty determining just what question you're asking (I'm slow sometimes).
2/8/06, 8:04 AM
- Kenneth said...
I see what you mean. Maybe that's why no one will answer me.
2/8/06, 6:00 PM