Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I know this drives you crazy too.  I just watched Robert Novak say that Bush's rebellious conservative base is anti-immigration.  AWK! Lefty cartoonists are selling the same notion, and it's wrong.  Can you say I-L-L-E-G-A-L  I-M-M-I-G-R-A-N-T-S Bob?  Sheesh.  And of course the GOP can lose Congress.  They won't, but only because Democrats are so repugnant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Before America was soled out by commie libs, there was a lawful process for good reason. The results of not following a process are marching in our streets and costing us the billions we have so painfully become aware of.
*One tiny reminder*
Ellis Island became the cheif immigration processing center in 1892. There they would be questioned and examined. Those who could not pass all the exams would be detained; some would be sent back to Europe. And so their arrival in America was filled with great anxiety. Among the immigrants, Ellis Island was known as, "Heartbreak Island." .

Taken from: Immigrant Kids, by Russell Freedman juice

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