Tuesday, May 16, 2006

John Stewart - Dumb as an Afghan Hound?

John Stewart - Dumb as an Afghan Hound?
Last night during a South Park break on Comedy Central, that smarmy John .. The Daily Show guy ... Stewart.  John Stewart popped up with a promo for that night's show. It dealt with how Bush is listening to your phone conversations.  Of course, Stewart's job is to promote the DNC's Daily Message through humor, and he does a good job of doing just that, but this parallel came to mind.  If we rated human intelligence the same way we score dogs, Stewart would be an Afghan Hound .  That's right.  Dog breeds are rated for intelligence by the number of times a command must be taught before it will be understood and obeyed.  Here, for the 52 time this  week, I will attempt to get Stewart to heel with an irrefragable truth.

''First of all, let’s be clear; they are not listening in on the calls; they are merely collecting data that tells them that calls were made from one number to another. The data will be fed into highly sophisticated computers, and used to establish patterns of communication from suspected terrorist groups to and from their allies and operatives in the US. Prominent media which have deliberately confused this activity with listening in on phone conversations should be ashamed and held to account.

''Those who are trying to clobber the president with this latest episode of “Fear Factor,” are the same people who would stop at nothing to get the Democrats back in power. The shame of it is that they don’t mind risking another 9/11 to do it. '' [The Sky is Falling Again]



Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

I'm going to admit this...I'm somehow fascinated, and a fan of certain things that are left...even radical left. I think Stewart is funny...Probably the immature kid who laughs at fart jokes-in me. I also like agenda pushing crap like Rage Against the Machine, who, I'm sure you've heard of Rodge :-p. Say's free mumia, call's Bush a drug lord, knocks...everyone who isn't as far left as them...but I somehow enjoy it. The whole point is...I listen to it...like the music...Somehow, I like the lyrics...the problem, and something that scares the hell out of me...is people my age who...Eh...are spoon fed their views from people like that.

'Hahaha. He said Bush is stupid in a funny way...yeah Bush is stupid.'

What's bad is people twice my own age are still the same way. By all statistics and common logic, I should be a black fingernail paint wearing, Bush hating, gothic loser.

However, that said...it seems like...when after a Stewart show...someone who takes the time to write up a story to destroy his views, only lend that mindset and those views creedence. I don't think anyone would be listening to Stewart, if there weren't constantly people from our side, trying to defeat his views. It should be one of those things we shrug off as an idiot with a camera, using old outdated jokes to make liberals laugh...We've turned him into a Liberal staple, and he's somehow a new Rather

Rodger the Real King of France said...
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Rodger the Real King of France said...

Wait ... I didn't like my response so I killed it.

I think your comment was nicely presented, but I don't agree with your conclusion that correcting Stewart's false statements gives him credibility.

Secondly, while I am picking on Stewart by name, the post is more catholic in scope than just a single twerp. I meant to spank the entire breed of Afghan Hounds. Maybe I was too obtuse.

Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

I don't think he has credibility, and correcting him is absoluetly the correct thing to do...But I think correcting him in a way, like we'd correct a CBS, CNN, or MSNBC host...Give's younger, more naive people the ability to hear buzz about him and think, the righty's must be pissed for a reason. I think if such a big deal hadn't been made of Stewart, his ratings would be a third of what they are now. It's like Michael Moore's movie...Nobody cares...Everyone with a brain knows he manipulated a few facts, and created a lot of fiction...nobody would have went to that damn movie, if guys on our side hadn't screamed bloody murder, telling everyone not to see it. I might be wrong...I've actually seen Moores movie...and yes, it was out of curiousity...the buzzed created by our side...telling us how 'atrocious' it was.

And while I know it was all bogus, that buzz, and my curiousity, made him about 10% of that rental fee.

Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

Come on Rodge, respond. You're not going to hurt my feelings lol... You're the smartest person I could think of to have this discussion with...And if I have to have anyone put down my thoughts on the matter, rather it be you.

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