Monday, May 01, 2006

Today's responsible observation

One of the driving forces behind today's Taco Stall is a group of international communists who operate under the umbrella ''Act Now to Stop War & End Racism [ANSWER].''  Their only interest in America's illegal alien problem is to the extent it can be used to divide us.  They are also responsible for much of the funding and organization skills behind the Hate Bush/StopThe War movement, world wide. (The same bloodline fomented the anti-war movement in the 60's-70's, under sponsorship by the KGB.)  Ultimately, groups like ANSWER seek to cause civil strife, and they've done a pretty good job.  So, before we begin shooting each other, let's practice that sang-froid we Americans are known for, and only sanction people who work for ANSWER in this country ... like the Los Angeles Chapter. Really.  What's the difference between them, and these guys?  None, when you get down to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am just confused...i guess.

what part of illegal do these fucktards not understand.

i say put a bounty on them...

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