Thursday, June 22, 2006

Al Gore is Jack Bauer? Well, natch.

Al Gore Does Not Sleep. He Waits.
And I thought about it, and I was like, well, it’s kind of like watching Al Gore, going from city to city trying to save the world and no one will listen. And I was like, well, the only difference is really, that with 24 it’s pretend, and this is real.”  -  Davis Guggenheim, who directed the first three seasons of 24, comparing Gore with Jack Bauer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you were to ask me to free associate 1,000,000 names to compare Jack to, AlGore's name still wouldn't come close.

24 alert. Season 3 has the best scene of the 4 seasons I've watched. It's horrific and I was glued to my chair wondering right up until Jack killed Chapalle if and how he was going to get out of doing it.

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