Thursday, June 15, 2006

bug bite

What's smaller than a grain of sand, yet it's bite feels like a pinch and hurts like Hell?? The thing is a light reddish color. ???


Anonymous said...

I think its the Maryland Microdevil Spider. But then again I could just be fear mongering.

Anonymous said...

Chigger, dab on some alcohol.

Anonymous said...

tick tick tick?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Here in Florida that would be a no-see-um. Small bastards hurt like hell.

Anonymous said...

Look like a little piece of dush?

I vote chigger -

Put fingernail polish on the bite. That'll fix it.

Anonymous said...

I too think it's a chigger, I use household ammonia, it works on bee stings, chigger and no-see-um bites. I keep a small bottle the size of an eyedrop bottle in the aid kit just for that.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Thanks, whatever it was bit Motger Superior. She said it felt like being pinched. It's raised a little red bump.

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