Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Carl Levin on FOX NEWS

The Levin Gas Bag - ''Rove Did It!''

Clickem for Video
This is the last thing I've been holding onto today.  The clip of Brian Kilmeade's portion of a Fox & Friends interview with Sen, Carl Levin (Cut and Run, MI) speaks for itself, but allow me a few comments.

The best thing I could say about Levin's argument is it's disingenuous to the max. He took leaked troop withdrawal proposals, made by a theater commander, and meant for the SEC/DEF and the President, and suggested an equivalency with defeated Senate Democrat initiatives calling for date certain withdrawals from Vietnam  Iraq.  The worst I could say is that Levin is a calculating liar and bullshitter, with no understanding of war.  I'll go with that one.  Levin's attempt to mitigate his party's image as ''cut and runners'' means they're scared. Good.

One more thing.  If you want to know why Democrats avoid FOX News like the plague, this interview is a good example.  Levin is nonplussed when his specious arguments are questioned by Kilmeade, correctly in my opinion, and responds with the churlish and haughty  arrogance that is the Liberal's trademark.  I love it so.


Anonymous said...

My first comment? What an asswipe. "I hoped this was to be an interview of me." A total asswipe. Rog, I appreciate you culling this garbage out for us to view because as much as I like E.D. and Brian, I just just can't stand to watch this crap. My mornings are spent in bliss with a giant macaw and 4 German Shepherds.

That's why you are the man.

Anonymous said...

the mighty C & S is now video central...

so so so outstanding...

Levin should spend time at Gitmo, with the NY Times, McCarthy, Wilson, Durbin, etc...

Watched the debate in NJ, and even a moderate type like Kean is far more attractive than that Democrat Party 'cog' Menendez.

I believe this is a race the Dems could lose...

This Fall, the 'run away' Party of Slander, might just take another hit in the teeth.

hoping it is so...

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