Friday, June 02, 2006

Magnetized TV screen

Problem #1 solved
"hit the "degauss" (sp?) button on your tv. On my monitor, it's symbol is a magnet with a line through it. Kinda like the no-smoking sign. This might fix the rainbow problem."
# posted by andy : 11:29 PM EDT
That suggestion from andy about my TV screen crapping out set my mind in motion.  In the process of rewiring, I moved two powerful speakers from atop my television cabinet, to a shelf immediately over the tv.  Doh.  I took the speakers off that shelf and immediately the rainbow began to go away. I see this morning that gultig subsequently also chipped in with a ''magnetic'' device theory.  Gold stars.  That solved one problem.  Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe that Cambridge Soundworks makes a specially shielded center-channel speaker that is specifically designed to go on top of a TV and not cause the magnetic interference you experienced.

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