Washington State's Governor Christine
Gregoire, showing the leadership one expects from .. well, Christine
Gregoire, recently said that she will not compel any of the
state's National Guard troops to serve on the Mexican border if they're
asked. That, believe it or not, puts her way up on Arno Schwarzenegger who has refused, outright, a Bush request for 1500 more guardsmen to patrol his own border with Mexico. Here's the excuses offered.
- It would disrupt the guard's training schedule.
- The request would stretch the California guard too thin if an emergency or disaster struck.
Earlier, Gov. Kennedynegger reluctantly agreed to do what he swore an
oath to do - protect his border and uphold the law, and send up to 1000
troops -- after Bush agreed to pay him up to $1.4 billion out of our pockets. Just
a guess, but this tells me that after the now obligatory
California shakedown in all matters, the state has hit critical mass - Hispanics
control the balance of political power. Maybe Californian's of
the American kind ought to ask 'WWTAAD? (What would Texas and Arizona
do?) I think the answer would be to say ''we'll do it ourselves,
than you very much, so get out of our way.'' If you have not seen
the movie The Second Civil War, now's the time to catch up on what happens next.