Saturday, June 24, 2006

Schwarzenegger's dive into the ass hole continues

Churchill: Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?
Socialite: My goodness, Mr. Churchill... Well, I suppose... we would have to discuss terms, of course...
Churchill: Would you sleep with me for five pounds?
Socialite: Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!
Churchill: Madam, we've already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.
Washington State's Governor Christine Gregoire, showing the leadership one expects from .. well, Christine Gregoire, recently said that she will not compel any of the state's National Guard troops to serve on the Mexican border if they're asked.  That, believe it or not, puts her way up on  Arno Schwarzenegger who has  refused, outright, a Bush request for 1500 more guardsmen to patrol his own border with Mexico. Here's the excuses offered.
  1. It would disrupt the guard's training schedule.
  2. The request would stretch the California guard too thin if an emergency or disaster struck.
Earlier, Gov. Kennedynegger reluctantly agreed to do what he swore an oath to do - protect his border and uphold the law, and send up to 1000 troops  -- after Bush agreed to pay him up to $1.4 billion out of our pockets.  Just a guess, but this tells me that after the now obligatory California shakedown in all matters, the state has hit critical mass -  Hispanics control the balance of political power.  Maybe Californian's of the American kind ought to ask 'WWTAAD?  (What would Texas and Arizona do?)  I think the answer would be to say ''we'll do it ourselves, than you very much, so get out of our way.''  If you have not seen the movie The Second Civil War, now's the time to catch up on what happens next.  


Anonymous said...

dag nabbit...

something tells me, you cross the Bush Administration in such a lame manner, you have made a huge mistake...

did you see the President's thingamajig...

Executive Order:
Protecting the Property Rights of the American People

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the movie tip.

Yes, your title joke said it all. But, it's Arnold or the possibility of Phil Angelides. Yikes!!! Nowhere to run...

On a related note, I'm green w/envy over your Maryland state's Michael Steel. What a brave, grounded, straight talker. And here we are in CA, situated to a life of Feinstein and Boxer. *barf* Juice

guinspen said...

Well, we know who wears the pants in that family.

Anonymous said...

there is only a couple courses left for the people of California to take. Either abandon the place which many are doing by moving or reclaim there state by force if necessary. It is just a matter of time the nutty democrats and liberals got hem to this point.

Anonymous said...

The National Guard doesn't work for the governor of Idaho, or any other state governor. They are enlisted in the Army, which currently works for George Bush. The National Guard is only lent to the states in dealing with temporary crises. The Hon. Gregoire has nothing whatever to say about it.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

That's a new twist that I have to check up on. I have always been under the assumption that the Guard was a state governed enterprise, and I'll be sorry to learn it ain't so. I want Florida's guard to invade Maryland and restore order. But wiat, I'll check right now ...

''The National Guard has a unique dual mission that consists of both Federal and State roles. For state missions, the governor, through the state Adjutant General, commands Guard forces. The governor can call the National Guard into action during local or statewide emergencies, such as storms, fires, earthquakes or civil disturbances.

''In addition, the President of the United States can activate the National Guard for participation in federal missions. Examples of federal activations include Guard units deployed to Bosnia and Kosovo for stabilization operations and units deployed to the Middle East and other locations in the war on terrorism. When federalized, Guard units are commanded by the Combatant Commander of the theatre in which they are operating.''

Yup, you was right.

Anonymous said...

The Federal Government was being VERY CAREFUL when they instituted the National Guard, around WWI sometime, I think. No semblance of a state militia would ever be allowed again, ever since 11 southern states mobilized theirs into something called the "Confederate Army." They caused a bit of a ruckus once upon a time.....

Rodger the Real King of France said...


''The National Guard, the oldest component of the Armed Forces of the United States and one of the nation's longest enduring institutions, celebrated its 366th birthday in 2002. ''

Anonymous said...

Yep- 1636, sounds right. The Virginia colonial militia would have been the first one, I expect, followed by others. These militia became state institutions, many of dubious military value, ranging downhill to drinking clubs, as shown by their sometimes catastrophic performance when called upon to fight in the War of 1812. After the Civil War, the Fed viewed ANY state militia as a potential armed force to be used in rebellion, and subsumed all that under the umbrella of the National Guard, aka U.S. Army Reserves. And I'll stick with my original guess for that move....sometime between our adventures in Pancho Villa Land in 1911 and our entry into The Great War in 1917.

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