scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, June 26, 2006
Turn Muslim, or ?????
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
I surely hope the Swedes see the danger. The old saw "Just say no" won't do. They must say "Hell no!" to special banks, loans or bilingual schools or public school teaching of Islam, other than an overview of its place in history. Catholic and Protestant doctrine is not taught in public schools, French history is not taught in French, Russian history is not taught in Russian, and likewise Muslim history should not be taught in Arabic nor Islamic religious studies allowed in public schools or with any kind of public funding.
Swedish Muslims are attempting an insidious undermining of Swedish and Western Culture, and asking the culture they are attacking to finance and support it.
If sharia and islamic life is what they want, they can take their donkey-fucking, wife beating, hate-mongering asses back to the sandboxes and rockpiles they came from.
Fucking double-talking barbarians are really pissing me off by trying to usurp a decent, hard-working, cultured, caring, lovely country like Sweden. Those bastards' idea of compromise is do everything their way, and they might let you live. I spent a couple weeks in Egypt, a month working with Kuwaitis, and have had several colleagues who spent a lot of time in Arab countries, and frankly, other than the antiquity of the places, none of us really had much good to say about the experience.
Lt. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
6/26/06, 10:36 PM
Anonymous said...
This has been the MO of the muslims for several hundred years now they just keep piling into a country until there numbers are great enough to start making demands.As the host country gives in to each demand out of fear of riots or more severe violence these camel fuckers take over. Sweden Denmark and France have one hope and that is they wake up and cut off new immigration and start deporting and not give into any of there filthy demands for them to be subject to there own laws or demands about the schools. Spain is done for it is over for them. They elected a liberal to lead the country after the bastards set off a bomb. They have sold there freedom for a phony peace with these monsters and there cult.
6/27/06, 5:32 AM