scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
UN Gun Control effort
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Absolutely correct. When the U.N. says "Illegal fire-arms, they are actually talking about any and all fire-arms, of any type, being in the hands of anyone other than the Gummint. You can read it on the U.N. website for yourself. Should they ever succeed, I will give them my firearms, one bullet at a time.
6/28/06, 9:20 AM
Anonymous said...
I'm sure that there's more to this story, in fact, I've already seen other things on it. This is pure horseshit, but they make a good point about some of our judges getting in on it. Instead of wasting time with other stupid constitutional amendments, how about Congerss propose one calling for the immediate execution of any judges citing foreign or so-called "international law" in their decisions? We have plenty of our own idiotic laws they can make bad decisions on without having to resort to the idiotic laws of other countries.
GrinfilledCelt -
6/28/06, 1:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Even wierder, did anybody besides me notice that it was only single-shot, scoped, top break Thompson-Center Contenders being drooled over at the EEEEEVIL gunshow? Guess the rash of T-C's being used in illegal foreign military operations (not to mention liquor store hold ups...) just slipped under the radar. Although, If I was serving in Baghdad, a T-C in 223, or 7.62 x 39 with a nice 4X Leupold would be part of my kit.
6/28/06, 4:19 PM
Anonymous said...
If I were serving in Bagdad the last thing I would want is anything chambered in 223 or 5.56 the troops are screaming bloody murder about them now. thats why there is so much crap going on to find a new basic INF weapon. Give me something in 308 or 7.62x59. The 5.56 cal weapons are not smashing through the cinder blocks over there well enough and that appears to be the basic building material in the towns. I am still waiting to see what procurment come up with.
6/29/06, 6:30 AM
Anonymous said...
I don't get how people keep forgetting that the Constitution declares itself the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. Full stop.
6/29/06, 8:53 AM