scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Ratbastard Vietnam cowards
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Hmm.. is that 'Canadian bacon'?
In grocery stores in Quebec, they actually sell sandwich meat called 'Mock Chicken' -- made from pork.
7/9/06, 12:10 PM
Anonymous said...
That werfer on the roof looks to have an effective range of about 6' past the bumper. Mebbe we oughta work on that first. Or can we just scare 'em to death with our maniacal peanut butter-breath warfaces? Whatever, we better get going soon. Don't wanna do Canada in the winter. That's when we should go clean up palm Beach County.
Lt. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
7/9/06, 12:15 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
TFV - Not 2 minutes ago I happened across THIS
7/9/06, 12:32 PM
Anonymous said...
Hahahaha! Actually hubby and I just returned from a week in Quebec on Friday night-- that explains the quiet while I was gone. I think of you everytime we go up.
Actually most of Quebecois that we have come across lately have been OK people-- well except for the one bitch at the Esso gas station that wouldn't take our Esso gas card because she told hubby it would take about half an hour to process and she didn't want to put up with him that long. I was waiting in the car and didn't find that out till later or there would have been a dead bitch- can we add her to the list of executions??
But I think alot of people up there are coming around since they elected a conservative so it shouldn't be too hard to conquer them.
7/9/06, 6:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Conquer us? Most of us did'nt register. There's a quote from Tom Hayden, "There's not a public in Canada wanting to send these guys back. " Fucking wrong. There are a lot of Canadians that would like to send these assholes back to face desertion charges and Leavenworth. don't believe half of what your msm tells about us. And check your history, the last time Washington got burned to the ground, we did it.
7/9/06, 10:36 PM
Anonymous said...
this and France losing, such fun... -
7/10/06, 12:38 AM
Anonymous said...
Damn and all This time I thought it was the british that landed from british ships.Canada is basicaly our cast offs from the revolution. They did not want to leave the blessings of king georgie so they hiked there ass up to oh canada.
7/10/06, 9:23 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
7/10/06, 10:11 AM