Sunday, July 09, 2006

The sociopath, again

Bubba Was Here
Former President Clinton told one of the nation's largest Latino civil rights groups Saturday that the conservative wing of the Republican Party is using the immigration issue to divide Congress and the nation.

"It is a way of creating a divided community and distracting people from the real challenges facing the country, whether it is in Iraq and Afghanistan, or homeland security, or how to build a clean energy future, or how to solve the healthcare crisis, or how to create new jobs for America," he said. -   Clinton Speaks Out on Illegal Workers - Los Angeles Times
Two things.  
  1. Why does every ethnic group need its own ''civil rights'' organization?  The very existence of which screams "we want a better deal than that guy." Or, simply, E Pluribus Moi.
  2. Can anybody figure out what side Bubba and his peeps are on in this cock fight?  That was rhetorical.  It's classic Clinton to join every army, cause disorder and dissension, then desert when it suits him (but show up, bemedaled, for all the parades).


Anonymous said...

You said "cock fight" and Clinton in the same sentence....HaHaHaHa

Anonymous said...

for a long time, i really grew weary of the idea of seeing Bill and Hillary, (including all their failed-dishonest Clintonite Administration associates), shoved down the US Public forever by the mindless Liberal types...

but if the DNC keeps sinking in relation to the pathetic Clinton experience, it is less bothersome...

sure they should be in prison, but if they continue to help sink the Democrat Party?

that is just fine...

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