Saturday, July 08, 2006

sudden stop

A Robert C. Byrd Memorial Walkway, no doubt


Anonymous said...

It would say 'Robert C. Byrd Sidewalk ends' if that were the case.

If you have ever been to Beckley WV-- his name is on EVERYTHING!


Rodger the Real King of France said...

I had a friend (Doc Renegar) who opened a hardware store in Beckley (he later bacame a chiropractor in FL). What a character, he claimed townsfolk would blow stuff up with actual dynamite sticks to amuse theyselves.

Sorry, I got carried away. You are right about Byrd.

Anonymous said...

My dad sold tires to coal mine companies in WV and East Kentucky during the 70's. He told some wild stories about the stuff they would do for Halloween over there in the hollers. Blow up bridges- burn down buildings, etc.

Watching how Carter bungled the coal miner's strike in '78 is what of the main reasons I hate Dems -- and labor unions today!


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Wow, a coal strike resulting in a nice confirmed republican. USA USA

Anonymous said...

hehe-- Did you see where Italy beat the crybaby French in the World Cup?? I guess that means that since the US team tied Italy-- we're as good as the world champs??

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I forgot that! USA! USA! World Cup co-champions!

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