Friday, August 25, 2006

Center for Union Facts

When Hezbocrats are up in arms, there's some truth being told

Rightwing Operatives Launch Dishonest
Campaign Targeting Public Employees
Progressive States Network HFS! alert
These ads by The Center for Union Facts are upsetting the right people
Television ads
Radio ads
Radio: You're Not Stupid (.mp3)
Radio: IRS Phone Call (.mp3)


Anonymous said...

When the truth hurts, it's dishonest and sleazy?? 'bout time for this and I wonder if it will catch on in CA. Juice

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, while growth of unions' memberships, power and influence is anemic (at best) in most sectors.... it remains robust in the public sector, where wages and benefits tend to be at levels that mere commoners can only dream about. You can learn more about the lacluster contribution that this significant portion of the workforce generates at

Anonymous said...

I was an aviation weatherman in Alaska from 1978 to 1985. Without union representation, I could not work there... Alaska is a "right to work" state. In 1985 the union assigned fry cooks to do this highly technical job, thus eliminating me and numerous other trained weathermen. I was 3 months from being vested for full pension benefits and lost all. Senator Stevens was a friend of the union; a union letter at the time featured a picture of Stevens on the cover shaking hands with then union president Jesse Carr.
Studies have shown that in 1986, more people were killed in the state of Alaska in air crashes than in the entire history of Alaskan aviation. The final analysis was that these crashes were caused not by bad weather, but by poor weather observations. This study was available on the Internet some years ago, but I have since not been able to find it. This in itself I find to be very curious.

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