Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Shiver me timbers
One question we get is if this works in the US. Yes, it does. The payment service appears to accept Euros only, but there will be an automatic currency conversion (which your issuing bank may charge you a small fee for) so the amount deducted will be in the vicinity of $6.4USD for a month.)

Today, the Swedish Pirate Party launched a new Internet service that lets anybody send and receive files and information over the Internet without fear of being monitored or logged. In technical terms, such a network is called a "darknet". The service allows people to use an untraceable address in the darknet, where they cannot be personally identified.

I applaud the concept, but have some concern about the consequences. Islamo fascist concerns aside, brace yourself, bloggers, for a spate of anonymous hate commenting from a certain group who have nothing substantive to offer. Here's the killer application though, and I admit to feeling a certain lawless glee about it.

File sharing of music, films, and other forms of culture is where the surveillance of Internet addresses has attracted the most attention, largely because the entertainment industry has been so aggressive in suing Internet users for copyright infringement, suing college students and single mothers alike without concern.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Another delicious aspect - how will the Euro World Gummint respond? Under its iron hand, making someone uncomfortable is a hate crime. OMFG, will Europe crumble under insults run amok?

Anonymous said...

I've recently thought about anonymizers. Coupla things:
If I were NSA and had their budget, I'd set up a few and bankroll it way under cover. NSA won't care if the RIAA got screwed, and if some NoKo's or Chinese used it for legitimate reasons, well, good.

If I were CIA, I'd find the anonymizers not being run by NSA, and do what it took to crack them. Easiest would be a few well-placed bribes, or threats and extortion. This does work.

If I were me, which I am, I'd always never assume anonymity.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Well now you've done it. Are you familiar with ''Three Days of the Condor?"" Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

No, but I did see "Three Days In A Condom" on Sunset Strip

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