Saturday, August 05, 2006

Going Brazilian

Franchises available soon
A few days ago Bitter Bitch, while singing the praises of the Remington Trim & Shape, asked this question.

Why does it cost only $15 less for a Brazilian wax than to get the entire length of both legs waxed? It's a much smaller area and takes far less time.

I'm mostly uninformed about these matters, but I did learn a few months ago that getting a ''Brazilian'' was not hiring a new cabana boy, but a fancy name for hair removal involving the area exposed whilst wearing a string bikini, that is to say, the entire tuna.  I left it at that, but now I really was intrigued.  What did it cost? Where the heck was this done?  Will I go for a haircut, and wait while Leo trims up some lady's  Choochi snorcher?  Google.

Women are funding the private schooling of their beauticians' children in their quest to rid hair from their armpits, legs, bikini-line, eyebrows, upper lip, chin, the side of their face, neck, arms, hands, fingers, chest, breasts and lower back. Even toes have had the laser treatment. Thank heavens for the hair-free zone of palms and under the feet.

Body hair as a fashion no-no has been a brilliant invention for the beauty industry. Over the past 12 months, Australians spent $120 million on 2.6million razors, $17 million on disposable blades, and $30 million on 1.9 million units of depilatory products including waxes and creams.

Then there are the added millions spent at Victoria's 4000 hair and beauty salons on waxing, electrolysis and laser hair removal. The most common form of hair removal is waxing, but laser technology is gaining in popularity, given its promise of permanent hair removal or reduction from a laser beam disabling hair follicles.

Holy Crap ... for an investment of what?  $100?  I can be a Brazilian  Waxer-shaver guy.  Whatever your guy is charging, I'll do it for 30% less.  I'm not kidding. (No men).
PS .. Stoo-Pid found this clip, that while maintaining decorum, allows us to get a feel ot the thing. I guess a lot of these girls are lesbians, because they brought girlfriends with them to hold their hands. And what's that guy doing? That's against the Man Code, for chrissake.

Watch Video Clip


Anonymous said...

Truth be known, I'd rather be flyfishing or wingshooting.

These poor lil'split tails are way too urbanized, nannified and cunnyfingered searchin for a spot on "Girls Gone Wild" for my taste.

Gimme' a cowgirl who knows and appreciates the sweaty side of making love. (With apologies to the Rev'rnd Mother.)

Sven in Colorado

Anonymous said...

Why'd you have to put that link on there?

And I wonder where my time goes......

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