Saturday, August 05, 2006

Site transition crap

I have a girl friend, thank you.
My Internet host Power Web is in the process of moving everything to a new platform.  They've been moving customers since around April, and recently attempted to move my stuff, and now tell me that there are a lot of errors and they couldn't do it automatically.  They are allowing me to move it manually. 

Blow me.

Why thay can't just pick the damn thing up, roots and all, and plop it into a new hole is beyond me. Anything not moved by Sept. 1st is history.  I tell you this because I am utterly not willing to do any more learning about this crap.  None. If I was, I'd never have gone back to Blogger, but would have updated MT (Terpsboy), which is by now barely functioning.  What this means is, if the Power Web guys can't do it, I won't.  This will have the practical effect of wiping out  100% of Terpsboy, and 99% of the graphics I use on this site, going back to 2002. I'm just saying, if the lights go out next month you'll know why.   I hate governments and gobbeldy-gook. I really do hate this Blog stuff.


Linda Sue O'Grady said...

Rodg baby... I can help you with MT if you so desire.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Tell you what, if they manage to get me transferred, I'll take you up ... but I have to pay. If I don't I feel bad about asking for tweaks. :D

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