Saturday, August 05, 2006

The message - Al Gore is insane

'Propaganda 101'
It seems the left is scandalized by this Al Gore spoof because it may have been the product of someone employed by big oil. OMFG. [Propaganda 101]


Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

LMAO. Glad I stayed up for it. Although I'd like to stay and view the upcoming rush of posts which generally follow the first...I shall make my leave to my warm bed...General Schlong, we salute you.

Private Dog Catcher Fahrni.

Anonymous said...

so many things to do this weekend...

and i still have to stop by C&S...

thanks for the vid...

AnnoyedOne said...

Wow, now I see the light! Global warming is real! I'll never doubt Al Gore again!

[Yeah yeah, its was just sarcasm]

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