Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hippies on Drugs

KOS Victory Party
SondraK -


Anonymous said...

Not that I didn't enjoy the sensless kos dance, but when I first punched up your site, the whole box was blank. I was laughing at that first !

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the music, particularly beause sidewalk chamber music is a rarity in the US.

The dancers??? were another story. I could not decide whether they had fleas or a palsy. Tough call. Either way, they'd best keep their day jobs. What? They're "students" or "mentally challenged?" Well, Martha Graham is exempt from the ADA, so tough shit.
Lt. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Rodger, are you sure didn't set the way back machine for 1967?? I sense a "flashback."

WMFF (whatamuthrfuknfreakfest). But seriously, if dead people can vote for Dimocraps, I guess this crowd can be bused in as well. Juice

Anonymous said...

I get the sense that the musicians are from the Titanic and the goof balls are our world going down.

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