Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Party of Hate, hates


I am not Jewish.

I have never been to Israel.

I am not a Democrat in Connecticut or elsewhere.

But hearing a Connecticut Democrat on the local radio across the Long Island Sound sneering that Joe Lieberman is the Senator "from Israel"...In truth? I almost ran off the road.

- Connecticut'sDemocrat's Shame

The radical left sure does have the democratic party's tit in a ringer this time. 


Anonymous said...

serves them perfectly...

they couldn't slime, slander, defeat Republicans, so now the nutty nature feasts upon themselves...

it amazes to see some Democrats, suddenly waking up to the idea, they have grown a monster they cannot control.

the irony is, they will continue to encourage the hatred and bigotry against Conservatives...

seems everything these libs touch, turns to poop.

Jake said...

If you thought the left was bug-eyed, frothing-at-the-mouth crazy before. You ain't seen nothing yet. For the next week, they will be in a frenzy chewing through their arms so they can beat other Democrats over the head with them.

But more important, the left's cannibalistic frenzy will burn up some important left-wing money.

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