Monday, August 14, 2006

Schumer gets a caning

They say history repeats itself :)))
Drudge has had this item up (sans graphic) for 3-4 days, so I'm thinking he wants me to  to say something.  Okay.

Vice President Cheney, commenting last Wednesday on Ned Lamont's victory over Sen. Lieberman, "suggested that Lamont's victory might encourage the al-Qaeda types' who want to 'break the will of the American people in terms of our ability to stay in the fight and complete the task."

Since Lamont has no issue other than an immediate withdrawal from Iraq, aka "cut and run," Cheney's reasoning stands up.  All this prompted Chucky Schumer to cackle:

  "We should all be uniting and be together at this point," said Schumer, the head of the Senate Democrats' campaign committee. "But if they're going to throw the political bombs on this issue, we are going to answer them loud and clear, and we believe we have the political high ground."

In 1856 a Senator named Sumner - the details are irrelevant here (he was an anti-slavery Republican, his attacker a Democrat slaver) was beaten on the Senate floor to within an inch of his life by an outraged Congressman wielding a metal tipped cane.  Chucky is long overdue  for similar disciplining.  Maybe just an inch further.


Anonymous said...

What an idiot- and not even useful. So go ahead Chucky keep answering those political bombs as loud as you want-- we'll see how high your ground is in November.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Chucky says he picks up 5 Senate seats, I say he loses 2.

Anonymous said...


I will supply the cane !

like your prediction, just wish one of those losers was Hillary...

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