Monday, August 21, 2006

White Out

No sooner did I post the following on Terpsboy, and this site is back. It explains what's been going on anyway. Sheesh.

Blogger is messing with me something fierce.  If you try and access C&S at  you get nothing but a white out.  So much for the "Escape" button I installed after Blogger shut down my old blog for several weeks on the  false charge that I was a spammer. 

Oddly enough, I decided to use the old blog as a stop gap, but guess what?  The original C&S ( is apparently hijacked by some political video deal?

Even though I can still publish the old blog, and even though is still registered as mine, it ain't.  Is it? The damned thing shows up at  I'm going to repost today's work there, and hope Blogger gets this straightened out.  I really do have to get away from them, don't I.  I'd appreciate it if someone will go here, and comment if you see anything new.  Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Rodge - Why don't you just bite the bullet and get off Blowspot and pay a few bucks and get on a decent hosting service. Hosting Matters is only $11 per month.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Powweb is even better, and I still run Terpsboy aoff of it. My problem is my MT got all fould up and I couldn't fix it to do anything but paste pictures. I'm motivated now, believe me.

Anonymous said...

that just pisses me off...

no matter, where-ever the C AND S goes, me to follow...

Anonymous said...

I've been getting your blog by putting in the archive address with the current day. It seems to work.

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