Monday, August 21, 2006

Kerry v. McGovern

Fault Lines
David  Hogberg   [The Netroots' Iraq Advantage]  is not certain that Ned Lamont's victory, that solidifies the far left's grip on the Democratic Party, will bring them once again to the precipice as many conservatives predict.

Sadly, the World War II Generation is dying out, being replaced by the Baby Boomer Generation, many of whose members are legends in their own minds. More importantly, they are nowhere near as conservative on national security issues, and they are less adverse to a candidate who wants to bring America's troops home quickly.

If you don't agree with me, try this thought experiment: Imagine that presidential candidate John Kerry had somehow time-traveled back to 1972 and ran in place of George McGovern ...
He postulates on how Kerry's 2004 campaign might have fared in 1974, and finds a Kerry wipe-out on the scale of McGovern's - not the 48% showing he received two years ago. I see this a bit differently. Let's say that McGovern  had the same out-of-the-closet media in his corner that Kerry enjoyed in 2004.  Here's the cornerstone of my thesis. 

MR. THOMAS: There's one other base here, the media. Let's talk a little media bias here. The media, I think, wants Kerry to win and I think they're going to portray Kerry and Edwards I'm talking about the establishment media, not Fox. They're going to portray Kerry and Edwards as being young and dynamic and optimistic and there's going to be this glow about them, collective glow, the two of them, that's going to be worth maybe 15 points.  Oh that Liberal Media

While it's true that the '74 media were largely in the tank for Ho-Ho-Ho-Chi-Minh, and against Nixon's involvement (in Lydon's war), they did not go so far as to embargo everything negative about McGovern either, as they tried to do with Kerry.  If you examine the 2004 season, I think you'll find negative Kerry press came only after it had already been spread on the Internet, and talk radio. If Thomas was correct, and I suspect he was, then 15 points added to McGovern's 37%,  has him winning a plurality, if not the White House in '74 </shudder>. That's testament to just how bad Kerry was, not how we have changed as a nation. The FTC monitors Madison Avenue selling soap; nobody controls the MSM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's fascinating...

just wish to add two big factors in our modern day:
this is the post Reagan success-post Clinton negligence ERA...

it is like a vivid display of political gravity, Democrats will take you down with taxation and appeasement...

Republicans will lower tax burdens and actually fight...

(* Politicians are never perfect, but the Reagan Legacy in direct comparison to the Clinton Folly is pure gold in my book - might even be the balance against the MSM bias...)

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