Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Why Kennedy Hates Bush

Blast From The Past
Reviewing a post I made in October, 2003 led me to two items worth revisiting ... The clip below is from Timing. It's All in the Timing, where Rick Galen examines ''an extraordinarily ugly speech [attacking President Bush] on the floor of the Senate." 
* And, about the time that speech was being delivered, the United Nations Security Council was adopting a United States-backed resolution which states in part, the UN "urges Member States to contribute assistance under this United Nations mandate, including military forces, to the multinational force."

* This resolution, which according to the BBC "gives new legitimacy to the US-led administration in charge of Iraq, but emphasizes that power should be transferred to Iraqis 'as soon as practicable.'" It was adopted unanimously.


Anonymous said...

I hope Teddy is getting eaten alive. It is just amazing as you go down the list of lib icons, what a bunch of angry people they are.

I know they are all choking on W's success. Krauthammer who coined BDS, hit it right on the head.

Anonymous said...

A well written article. It's no surprise Teddy boy has been lost for a lifetime. Every tree life begins at its roots.

The greater effect, is that the entire Democratic Party has been drinking the same soulless, narcissistic, egotistical, Kool-Aid.

Although, on point of humor, when the article stated it was diffictult to find a woman "willing to ride in his car," I thought it was going to read,"ride a whale!!!!" HA JUice

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