Tuesday, October 31, 2006

KOS guy wrestled to ground, breaks into tears.

Mike Stark is a pussy.
Mike Stark not beaten badly enough

KOS MOFO Mike Stark attacked by Allen thugs

Stark  was not beaten, as you can see by watching the video tape, but he was restrained from approaching Allen, and wrestled to the ground when he resisted.  He admits to yelling at Allen. "Why did you spit on your first wife?" I have no idea what that alludes to, but you can be assured there was more to it than these canker blossoms will admit to.  There is even a chance that the whole thing was staged.  

If you want real beatings, however, talk to Freeper Don Adams who was beaten senseless by union thugs in Philadelphia.  Or to Matt Margolis , also attacked by a union thug in Boston.  Republican "thugs " tend to be a bit more gentlemanly than democrat goons. Which is a shame.


Anonymous said...


wonder if this fool voted for John Kerry?

the modern Democrat Party...

loony tunes...

Anonymous said...

I just wish it was about 10 years ago and I had been there I could have shown them how to take this asshole down professionaly. On his belly with knee between shoulder blades.I bet there going insane at KOS the web site for the clinicaly insane.

Anonymous said...

The news down here this morning was saying he plans to 'press charges'. He was bragging prior to the incident that he hoped to cause trouble.

I don't ever remember a campaign where the candidate was as personally harassed like George Allen has been this time around. It's disgusting and typical of people without any ideas. And Jim Webb was the best they could come up with?? Sheesh!


Rodger the Real King of France said...


''In a Monday posting on "Calling All Wingnuts," the blog Stark publishes, he hinted that he would attempt to provoke Allen before the TV cameras.

"Im also trying to 'Roger and Me' George Allen whenever I can," Stark wrote, referring to director Michael Moore's 1989 documentary in which he repeatedly tried to confront former General Motors' chief executive Roger Smith about the company's downsizing.

In August, Stark similarly approached Allen after a speech at a hotel near Staunton, loudly asking if he had ever used a common six-letter epithet against blacks.''

My personal preference is that Stark, and everyone in his orbit be handled with "extreme prejudice." That's code for way harsh.

LargeBill said...

Allen has been hounded in this race because he was considered a potential 2008 presidential candidate. The left wanted to ensure that even if he wins reelection he'd be so damaged he couldn't run in 08. As far as his comments about spitting at the ex-wife, Allen's ex made a statement today that she has no idea what this guy is talking about.

Anonymous said...

You're right LargeBill and also because in 2004 he ran the Republic Senate campaign that resulted in the ouster of such wonderful Dems as Tom Daschle. Allen has had a huge bullseye on his back ever since.


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