Wednesday, October 04, 2006

LOL - Democrat Mark Foley

Mo mud, Mo mud, Mo mud
Funny.  But it's actually a good tit-for-tat, and I recommend more of it.  Sure it's true that the Donk media never identify Democrat felons by party, so what harm if one tiny network identifies Republican stinkers as Democrats?  But, on a larger scale the Democrat  tactic is to muddy the political waters with baseless charges and overblown rhetoric, so as to confuse Aunt Bessie ("Oh Rodger, I just don't know who to believe"), and this better suits that tactic. I give this an A+.


Anonymous said...

All things considered, it's an understandable mistake. One reason the story has traction is that it is a 'man bites dog' item. Remember the shock when the OK bomber turned out to not be middle eastern but middle western? When is a duck a duck? jfs

Anonymous said...

i believe in this Country, but it looks like we are going to take a huge dive this NOV...

it is getting me down...

Rodger the Real King of France said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Rodger, I needed that!

Anonymous said...

Really, HNV, you're just falling for the LMSM's usual tactics. Every two years it's the same thing. The media starts talking about how the Packs are sunk and the Donks gleefully start making lists of who they are going to investigate and impeach and listing all the taxes they are going to raise. Then, on election day, they get their asses handed to them. That's when the screaching really starts. After all, "everybody knew" that they were going to win. Why didn't they? Must be because the Republicans cheated. It's all quite amusing really.

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