scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, November 27, 2006
Con Man
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Just tell him to go sell a few Playstations on eBay.
11/27/06, 7:59 PM
Anonymous said...
I've never gotten one of these. Can you show the rest of the letter to show how they try to close the scam, er, I mean, go through the necessary steps to secure for you your multi-million dollar payday?
11/27/06, 9:59 PM
Anonymous said...
I think there was some question whether Mr. Martins Schlong was dead although word around was that Rigor Mortis HAD set in, which strangely seemed to cheer up his wife and three of the village ladies.
11/27/06, 10:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous - check out "Hog on Ice". The blogger is writing a humorous book on the subject and will point you to a website containing some sample exchanges he's had with the buggers.
11/27/06, 10:56 PM
Anonymous said...
My fav line of the day:
"who was hereinafter called my client."
-- Rodger Mortis -
11/27/06, 11:47 PM
Anonymous said...
I get these a lot I write FU across the top and hit replay. I can't believe there are people stupid enough to fall for it but they do.Most of the time it is the very greedy.
11/28/06, 4:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Got one of these emails yesterday!
11/29/06, 11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
If this bastard is really living in malaysia, I hope he gets bitten by a misquito and dies from malaria. He is purely a sicko and he does not know it, but he has been cursed to die!!!!!! Abra ca zam, abra ca damned. poof u die.
12/10/06, 11:28 PM