scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Filty Muslims
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
That very well could turn them into the most sucessful financially as well...Why ride anything else?
11/28/06, 1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Muslims should a be forced to tak the "BUS". I will only fly on Muslim free flights.Bill-- Sun Valley Idaho
11/28/06, 1:57 PM
- Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
Wow Rodge, you're sure going all out to show us exactly the things you mean, the aborted baby, this...No more BSin around it eh?
11/28/06, 2:01 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Both were at your option.
11/28/06, 2:22 PM
- Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
I'm not complaining. It's kind of like deciding not to show the WTC footage on television, just incase it incites violents or warps our fragile little minds. Looky here-now everyone is complacent, willing to make no sacrifices and just inviting assholes to come blow us up...Real world sucks.
11/28/06, 2:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Rodger, Nothing about this surprises me anymore. Tolerance, as I understand it in today's America, is actually a euphemism for anything anti-Christian or Hebrew(values). Because these girls' deaths have not yet occurred in the USA, means nothing to liberal press. But, it's on it's way, my friends. No doubt. And that is why nativity scenes are removed from CHRISTmas, but godless, blood thirsty, enemies may pray all day in a public forum. -F*CK'em ALL-
I'm with Josh on the pics. KEEP them coming! U.S. (MFCSB)media will only print stories and photos of our military, and local police forces "committing crimes." It's part of their *tolerance* program.
The reason the partial birth got to me was because that IS an American crime that our entire society will pay a price for. Keep on keeping on for us, Rodge. I don't have to stomach to wade through all you handle here. Ching-ching! Salute`.. Juice -
11/28/06, 4:10 PM
Anonymous said...
It's all because of Israel. - Jimmy Carter
11/28/06, 6:58 PM
- Linda Sue O'Grady said...
I believe we are going to see a lot more incidents similar to this one. Lots of muslims acting suspicious and disrupting flights, and being removed. They will have no bombs, no weapons, nothing at all.
They will turn us all into "the boy who cried wolf." Really, all they need is one successful lawsuit and the airlines will ignore complaints from passengers.
And the end result is that vigilance will lapse, and then they will be able to do what they want. -
11/28/06, 7:14 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
You know what Linda? I think you're right. Pay raise to you.
11/28/06, 7:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Being boycotted by Muslims may make US Airways the most *dangerous* airline in the world. They will be considered targets.
I'm just saying. -
11/28/06, 9:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Yeah, well if it ever happens on a flight that I'm on, it's my belt around one hand and a ball point in the other. And either they're off or I'm off.
MM -
11/28/06, 10:18 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes. I fear your truth.
Juice -
11/28/06, 10:37 PM
Anonymous said...
The pattern is the same in any country that the mouselems move to as there numbers grow they make more and more demands that there host country make concessions to them and there death cult to the point now in some European countries and even Canada they are calling for the implementation of there own islamic laws called Sheria.It is almost to late for France. But really the French deserve it.
11/29/06, 3:47 AM
Anonymous said...
Some IRA spokesman said it best:
"They have to be on guard all the time. We just have to be lucky once." Treat every one of these incidents as real, as a matter of policy. -
11/29/06, 8:42 AM