Wednesday, January 24, 2007



''My favorite, however, was the not so subtle gesticulations of Chuck Grassley who popped out of his seat with a huge grin and began pounding his hands together at Bush's mention in support of ethanol. Grassley looked like a five year old who'd been told he gets to spend the entire day at Chuck E. Cheese's.'' - About Last Night

Marlo LewisThat was part of Tom Bevin's take on the SOTU.  My ties to RFD not withstanding, I tend to agree with what Marlo Lewis of the Competitive Enterprise Institute had to say.  This clip was part of a "face off'' with a Ralph Naderite on the subject of global warming (which I will in all liklihood post later on today). 


Anonymous said...



sitting atop of the Hezbocrats.

for myself, seeing Nancy looming over the President's shoulder as he detailed several specific acts of al Qaeda terrorism in Iraq was an ironic riot.

this is the Democrat, Nancy Pelosi, who repeatedly lied about Iraq's vivid connection to the GWOT.

the rest of the Democrats and the MSM, overtly promoted this deceit.

it was quite amusing to have Nancy sit in public and be confronted by this reality from the President she and her Party wish to destroy.

sorry, although i totally enjoy and agree with this fine post, love the amazing image, it is hard for myself to focus on other issues besides the GWOT.

of course, i did note, the vivid display, that Democrats feel entitled to push for socialism, taxation, especially in regard to Health Care.

they seem to become quite upset, when someone says the word 'private'.

did you notice, they also seemed to be shocked at the reference of a free Cuba.

they love their Castro so...

Anonymous said...

Wonder when Webb became a socialist? Eh, lawyers will say anything for a buck.


Anonymous said...

I thought I'd Pooplosi my pants when the President said Gummit & Insurance don't have anything to do with health then nailed the barristers on their reprehensible role in this matter. Not that anything will change but it's good to hear him state the obvious.

Anonymous said...

yep and yabba dabba to both JP and CASCA...

so true...

Anonymous said...

thought about this ethanol thing.

one - if you reduce money going to the ARAB Region or CHAVEZ, i am all for it.

two - if Demonuts won't drill here, got to find another way.

three - even if ethanol policy is deeply flawed, it will force ARAB OIL to lower prices, even with the threat of the alternative.

(thus an attempt to force some competition against Opec, etc.)

four - listening to the EIB right now, and it is an interesting discussion. don't doubt the folly of it, but see it as a potential wedge, which can help as well against radical muslims)

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll tell ya gang...I thought Nancy looked real nice..After Ted had picked out and ate all the corn kernels,she was just a loaf o' lovliness.

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