scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Chicken shit
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
- AnnoyedOne said...
You love the IRS???
I'd cut back on your meds if I was you Rodger. -
2/10/07, 10:15 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I don't poke predators in the eye.
2/10/07, 10:28 AM
Anonymous said...
as the resident Bush sicko, i have a hard time putting the guards 'blood' on the President's hands.
a jury, judge, lawyers, etc., and their own actions, had something to do with this...
Rohrabacher goes overboard again, like the time he and a number of the fools appeared on Dobb's show, to undermine a President fighting a War.
Gingrich made my head turn long ago, showing up for pictures with Hillary.
but all of this, which is my main problem with Rohrabacher, and even Tancredo (who funded a Repubs opposition in another state?), tends to distract from focusing on defeating the liberal democrats.
for me, until it liberal democrats are sincerely rebuked, no sincere actions will happen.
you can deal and work with Repubs, such as pushing for Alito, the Border fence, etc., but the liars on the left want the opposite.
Conservatives of all types better unite for 08, or we will see Hillary, a Democrat Congress, and it won't be pretty. -
2/10/07, 10:52 AM
Anonymous said...
HNAV, Sadly, I think the last election results were the outcome of conservatives uniting. What conservative was there to vote "for"? And will there be a conservative candidate for us '08?
Giuliani is not socially conservative, McCain is self-concerned. Mitt who? will be a problem to voters. Plus, IMO, he has a Gavin Newsom look about him. Like it or not, that kind of stuff affects candidates. Newt, got his legs cut off long ago. Jeb? the Bush hate would crush him. What are we to do? At this point, if voting for the least offensive candidate, I'd probably vote Giuliani for how he reclaimed NY from crime, taxes, and devastation. -
2/10/07, 11:24 AM
Anonymous said...
...convicted in March for the nonfatal shooting of a Mexican drug smuggler.
Makes as much sense as this case:
At least when I'm not cursing, I have Biblical knowledge, so I know how the story ends. In the meantime, it's tough to see our world turned so upside down! -
2/10/07, 11:46 AM
Anonymous said...
I do not hold Bush responsible for the agents before the trial and sentence.If he does not act now to pardon these men I will hold him responsible now.
I understand what many conservatives felt this last election and why many simply stayed home. They were disgusted with BUsh and his open border and amnesty policy and the Senate for churning out one bill after the other that was in effect just another amnesty and giving social security payments to illegal aliens that never paid a dime. they were disenchanted and the same thing can damn well happen again in 08 if the damn Republicans do not pull there head out of it and smell the cow crap they are pushing.
I intend to listen to what Rudy has to say and listen seriously but if he is just another gun grabber and pro abortion and pro homosexual rights and marriage there is no way in hell that I will vote for him nor will millions of other republicans. Now folks that is just the plain simple fact of the matter. If people perceive no difference between the rep canidate and the Democrap canidate that is going to be the miserable forcast. I will be the first to admit that I do not know what it is going to take to snap the reps out of this open border crap. -
2/10/07, 1:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey Jack, if Rudy runs and he isn't conservative enough for you, than get used to saying President Clinton. Again. How did that last Clinton administration work out anyway? Rag on Bush all you want, but you can't tell me you'd rather have Kerry in there, would you? And than tell me what chance we have for border control, SS reform, more tax relief, GWOT, with HRC at the helm.
I just don't understand you absolutists. I sure as hell don't like McCain, but would never, EVER consider sitting on my hands. It is the very height of irresponsibilty, just because the Republican nominee doesn't meet all your requirements. It's so European.
We have a two party system. What you advocate will fracture the Republican Party. Lets' see, the new Rudy party is tough on the GWOT. The new Tancredo party is tough on illegal immigration. The new Romney party has the solution for health care.
What a load of horseshit. You've got to get in the game or the other side wins. It's never all or nothing.
MM -
2/10/07, 2:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Wouldn't it be nice to vote FOR a candidate rather than have to stomach another "better than"?
2/10/07, 4:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Sure would JP. I was able to do that twice in my life, in 80 and 84 for RR. And would of in 88 if Cheney had made it or 00 if Quayle had won the nomination. Fact is, it is seldom other than "better than"
The most important issue is the GWOT and that includes a non-porus border and frankly Rudy is the man for that job. Hands down.
MM -
2/10/07, 6:27 PM
Anonymous said...
I'd vote FOR Rodg, if only because he'd have enough gas for his B52. And he'd have a spare or two in case his broke down. And fighter escorts. And the Third Army. And the power to get rid of the departments of State and Education. And he'd know exactly how to handle the BCS.
I'd vote for Rodg for VP only if he carries his shotgun nonstop, and shoots more lawyers than the awesome Mr Dick Cheney.
Plus, if Rodg were president, he'd have more time to blog, which is what America really needs the most, is more C&S. Coz being president can't be all that time consuming. -
2/10/07, 8:29 PM
Anonymous said...
I am far from an absolutist never have been and would probably bet I have been in the game longer than you have. I did not sit on my hands in the last election. I thought I made that clear I got out and voted. I said I understood the disenchantment of those that did not.
You seem to think that nothing matters other than you like Rudy well that is not the case my friend and it would be nice if the nominee met at least a couple of our so called conservative requirements if not then we might as well all be friggin democrats and vote for Hillary. The very things you are saying about conservatives can be turned right back at you except in the form of any old liberal will do. It just does not make sense.I just learned Rudy was the only Republican mayor that signed on to the law suit against gun manufactures because some criminal misused there product. Kind of like suing Ford because a crook used a Tarus as a get away car and had a wreck and killed some one. You are trying to say that milliuons of people are wrong or worse irresponsible if they do not support your guy. Forgive me but that is a load of horse crap. He will not be the only Republican running for the nomination.i fail to see the reason for voting for someone if there is no difference between them and there opponent on 95% of the issues. -
2/10/07, 9:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Other republicans would do very well on The GWOT and the silent invasion is every bit as important the war on terror every damn bit as important. To try and put it on the back burner is almost criminal and one of the things that Bush really might should be impeached for and I am not calling for that at all.I voted for Bush twice I would vote for him again if I had the same choice. But there will be other people that will do just as well as Rudy. Frankly I doubt Rudy can get the nomination. Not with his position on so many issues that just goes against the grain of the vast majority of Republicans.
2/10/07, 9:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Didn't mean to detract from Mr Dick Cheney back there. He may be officially 0-0-1 on shooting lawyers, but who's to say that any/every lawyer who's died this millenium wasn't pushed along the way?
2/10/07, 9:18 PM
Anonymous said...
"The sky IS falling"........Chick N. Little
2/11/07, 2:58 AM
Anonymous said...
I agree it is still a long way to election day. We really do not know who all will be in the game at this time. But I guess this means that MM is not going to vote for me. -
2/11/07, 5:22 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack, I remember you writing that in Tennessee, you were fortunate to have Republicans running that you felt good about voting for in the last election. Well good for you. But sometimes, or even most times, the guy our side nominates doesn't fall in lockstep to all of your likes.
For the 100th time, each political party is comprised of coalitions. Coalitions that all want something. And a lot of the time, what those coalitions bring to the table isn't what you want. But what the other side's coalitions bring is an absolute nightmare. The choice is simple to me.
Whoever the Republican Party nominates is who I will donate my money to and who I will work for and who I will vote for. Period. For a glimpse of what conservatives will face with HRC as president and a dem controlled Congress, take a gander at WTF is going on now in DC. Or in my state, Colorado, which now has a dem controlled congress and a dem gov for the first time in 40 years. The laws being brought up are disgusting. And you know why? Because the coalitions that got these MoFos elected, have to be satisfied.
It sounds oh so principled to say, why bother voting for someone who brought a lawsuit against gun manufacturers? It dosen't matter what that individual has done or not done. IT DOSEN'T MATTER. If a dem is elected, NARAL, FAIR, CodePink, MoveOn, the NEA, etc. are going to be the ones demanding that their agendas be satisfied. Yeah it's a bitch that we can't keep electing Ronald Reagan, but you're telling me there's no difference between Rudy and the dems???
MM -
2/11/07, 10:57 AM
Anonymous said...
We had Republicans running but each one had things I did not agree with one a friend of mine John Duncan I disagreed with on several things. I also had a problem with some of Lemar Alexanders votes on immigration. For more than the hundreth time I am telling you I do not expect a canidate to be in lock step with me on every issue nor do I believe that most conservatives expect that. I believe you are a Rockerfeller Republican which is fine but they are in the minority in the Republican party or have been in the past. We do how ever like for our canidate to agree with us on some of the issues and it damn sure matters what a person has done. There record matters. The second amendment is very important. Despite what you think principle does matter. Now I have stated that I intend to listen to what Rudy has to say and consider it very seriously I do not know what else you expect? For conservatives to just pledge to vote for Rudy no matter what he stands for no matter where he is on the issues. That alone makes no sense and will never fly. If Rudy has really had a change of heart about certain issues and is serious time will tell. You can make fun of principle all you want but when you throw it aside we always fall short. I loved and respected Ronald Reagan for the great leader that he was but I have said for years that many Republicans were making a mistake by trying to be the next Ronald Reagan that was never necessary but it has been proven time and time again that if you stick to those principals and those conservative values it is a winner. But I will not vote for someone who has more in common with democrats than they do the Republican party. If that is the case we might as well run Licoln Chaffee or Olympia Snow. As I stated before I do not believe Rudy will get the nomination. I do not believe he will be able to make it past super tuesday. His liberal positions on homosexuals abortion and the second amendment as it is standing now will not fly well with about 30 million voters down south and with many Catholic's and evangelicals. -
2/11/07, 2:28 PM
Anonymous said...
We had Republicans running but each one had things I did not agree with one a friend of mine John Duncan I disagreed with on several things. I also had a problem with some of Lemar Alexanders votes on immigration. For more than the hundreth time I am telling you I do not expect a canidate to be in lock step with me on every issue nor do I believe that most conservatives expect that. I believe you are a Rockerfeller Republican which is fine but they are in the minority in the Republican party or have been in the past. We do how ever like for our canidate to agree with us on some of the issues and it damn sure matters what a person has done. There record matters. The second amendment is very important. Despite what you think principle does matter. Now I have stated that I intend to listen to what Rudy has to say and consider it very seriously I do not know what else you expect? For conservatives to just pledge to vote for Rudy no matter what he stands for no matter where he is on the issues. That alone makes no sense and will never fly. If Rudy has really had a change of heart about certain issues and is serious time will tell. You can make fun of principle all you want but when you throw it aside we always fall short. I loved and respected Ronald Reagan for the great leader that he was but I have said for years that many Republicans were making a mistake by trying to be the next Ronald Reagan that was never necessary but it has been proven time and time again that if you stick to those principals and those conservative values it is a winner. But I will not vote for someone who has more in common with democrats than they do the Republican party. If that is the case we might as well run Licoln Chaffee or Olympia Snow. As I stated before I do not believe Rudy will get the nomination. I do not believe he will be able to make it past super tuesday. His liberal positions on homosexuals abortion and the second amendment as it is standing now will not fly well with about 30 million voters down south and with many Catholic's and evangelicals. -
2/11/07, 2:29 PM
Anonymous said...
It seems clear these two Border Patrol agents broke the law in several ways. Be careful who you choose to support, if you are in favor of law and order! Having said that, I think they should have gotten about a three year sentence, been placed in maximum protection, and been pardoned after one year. That would have supported law and order AND acknowledged the outrageous conditions and rules of conduct our Border Patrol is working under.
The illegal immigrant who testified about their actions... ok, they threw out any penalties for his CRIME of illegally crossing the border, but they should still deport him. Ugh, silly me: there is no penalty for illegally crossing the border; all they do is deport them anyway! Since when is there NO penalty for being caught committing a crime? -
2/11/07, 2:32 PM
Anonymous said...
This guy was caught with over 7 hundred pounds of dope. We now know in the last couple of days that things were with held fom the jury and not as they were presented. The prosecuter is a hitman for Gonzales at justice. I do not believe they broke any law. I believe they violated agency policy and maybe should have been fired or repremanded at best and that is my professional opinion.
2/11/07, 3:20 PM