scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, February 03, 2007
David Pogue examines
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Is someone starting to see the light?
2/3/07, 7:38 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I thought it was funny, but it stands to reason any manufacturer will match the competition. I'm pretty sure there will be many, mant things Vista will do that Mac won't. The question is, will it work as well as, say, XP has? That's all you have to do when you're ahead 100-4.
2/3/07, 9:05 PM
Anonymous said...
No, it's a bit more like being "ahead", 17-28, and giving up a safety. From the user perspective, that is. From a marketing perspective, only time will tell.
All I can say is, I have both Microsoft (Win2K-- the best MS OS so far) and Apple (OS X 10.3.9) operating systems currently on my computers, and have also tried several varieties of Linux-- Ubuntu, Knoppix, Mepis, Slackware, Kanotix, and Xandros, plus FreeBSD and NetBSD.
My next computer purchase will, without a doubt, be a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.5-- as soon as it's released. -
2/3/07, 10:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh boy Elwood, a ponderment here.
Q: If Vista will run on my intel Mac, then wouldn't there be NOTHING Vista can do that a Mac can't also? AND, can a PC run OSX? I'm a computer fucktard, so hep' me here. How far off base here am I, O' Schlonghova?
A: .....? -
2/3/07, 10:45 PM
Anonymous said...
A: The vista betas ran like shit on my MBP. But then again, the Vista beta ran like shit on my P4 3ghz windows-only development machine.
I'm certain the final release will be much peppier.
The real question is why do you even want Vista? What does it bring to the table? IOW, what does it do that XP doesn't? (besides introducing a bunch of digital-rights management BS to protect Hollyweird and the music industry, and run games slow. Oh, and require kick-ass hardware, 4X the RAM and a $200 video card just to be able to see the new visual stuff? wow. color me underwhelmed.) Seriously. I'm a programmer and, outside of the curiosity factor, have no plans to upgrade (downgrade?) for at least a year. I know for a fact my Fortune 100 employer won't switch to Vista for at least three years. All my webapp development is done in OSX, and I run Explorer in XP to check compatibility, and to check in code to source control and play games.
At any rate, WinXP runs full-speed on my Mac. As far as Windows is concerned, it's just a generic PC that happens to be made by Apple. (I'm using Parallels Desktop product, so I run Windows and OSX at the same time. But for games, I reboot and run XP all by itself.)
I would think Vista would run great on a MBP so long as you give it lots of RAM.
--Jack -
2/4/07, 12:41 AM
Anonymous said...
Hey Jack, I had a girlfriend like that once....Nah. Just kidding...It was twice.
2/4/07, 8:03 AM
Anonymous said...
I ran Vista beta (Ultimate) on one of my machines and came away from the test with mixed feelings.
IF.. you have the hardware the OS runs smoothly, looong boot time though, which sucks.
It has a very slick look to it but the more eye candy you turn on the more ram you need.
It played very well with my existing software, all of it. That doesn't mean that it will for everyone else though.
My opinion is neutral on the OS.
The pros include;
Many different versions in 32 and 64 bit to suite most needs and budgets.
Self "healing". You will not install software or drivers that are not compatible. This is why you get crashes and lock-ups, 99.9% of them any way.
I suspect this advantage is more benefit to MS than the consumer but both sides win.
The Con's are;
DRM. That is a HUGE aww shit and almost wipes away the attaboys.
The OS phones home almost daily. It's like an insecure female that just has to talk to Mama every day, only worse.
If you take it's phone away it WILL shut down until you give it back, it may take a while but it will happen.
You can activate it only twice before you have to call MS and splainyourdamnself.
For people like me who change hardware like their socks, or wipe their drives and reload 6 or 8 times a year, this isn't going to work.
I wont be going Vista until forced to and sooner or later everyone will be forced to unless you go iMac or the ever changing world of Linux.
Will Vista be the worlds OS of choice? You better believe it, for the same reason that Win 3.0,95,98,2K and XP were.
If anyone is interested in the machine specs I tested on I'll be happy to post them. -
2/4/07, 12:03 PM