scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, February 11, 2007
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
If elected, Rudy will bring the NRA in with him as one of the Republican coalitions. Maybe the NRA will have half heartedly supported Rudy. None the less, the NRA will represent me(I'm a proud member, the NRA is the organization that most closely mirrors my views on a wide range of issues) and my views on gun ownership and the second amendment a lot better than the Brady Gun Grabbing Bunch that will have HRC's ear if she is elected.
See how that works Jack. If you are a one issue voter and that issue is the second amendment, you have to be crazy to say, fuck Rudy, he brought suits against gun makers when he will be constrained by the coalitions that got him elected from doing that as president. Something he was NOT constrained from by the coalitions that got him elected mayor of NYC. God only knows what forces were at play in NYC, but to say it was Rudy ALONE that initiated those lawsuits is naive
MM -
2/11/07, 1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
You yell one issue voter as you go over 3 or 4 different issues regarding Rudy. Your logic on Rudy is so tortured it is painful. It almost sounds as if you are trying to convince your self. I told you I will listen to the man but if he turns out to be just another version of Bloomburg on the issues or Dick Durbin forget it and I am not talking single issue as you try so desperately to pretend. i hope he comes around where I can support him. But once again i doubt he will get the nod.Just does not seem likely. -
2/11/07, 2:50 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack, you keep dancing around my point. It is, it doesn't matter who the republicans nominate, he will bring with him, a group of coalitions far more in line with our beliefs than would a dem. Therefore, no matter what he might be for as to a particular issue, in the overall scheme of things, he's still on our side, whoever it is. Telling me "you'll listen to what Rudy says" only matters during the primaries. If you don't like a candidate, for whatever reason, than work for another. But once our nominee is selected, that's who gets my vote. With president HRC, we're fucked and not voting Republican is exactly the same as voting for HRC.
We're at war, both on our borders and with Islamofascism. Who do you want leading, a dem or a Republican? There is no other choice.
As for me being a Rockefeller R, puleeease.
MM -
2/11/07, 4:30 PM
Anonymous said...
You sure sound Like a Rockerfeller Rep and thats fine. But plueeese do not feed me this bullshit if I do not vote for your guy it is voting for HRC. I guess you just can't understand It is not just me and my vote it will be millions of voters that are unwilling to vote for someone that believes the same as HRC on most of the issues that are important to them. If you cannot understand that I can't force you just watch and see. There vote is every bit as important to them as yours is to you. Once more I do not believe He can win the nomination period. Time will tell. But I do not believe you will be faced with what is worrying you so much.
2/11/07, 5:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I just bought a 1976 Reagan campaign button the other day. It was my first Presidential election, and I voted for RR in the primary. In the general, God forgive me, JC. Heh I was young, and pissed about the way the party insiders and Ford stole the convention from the base.
McCain, Giuliani, and the lessors will split the party-whore/moderate/democrat-crossover primary vote, and Newt will crush their nuts by taking all of the conservative vote.
Casca -
2/11/07, 5:32 PM
Anonymous said...
Also refer to my first post for future explanation.
2/11/07, 5:34 PM
Anonymous said...
I give up Jack. You're right, HRC and Rudy were separted at birth.
BTW, I don't why it appears I'm a Rudy guy, he's just the metaphor for this discussion. -
2/11/07, 6:32 PM
Anonymous said...
Well It appears you are the Rudy guy because you stated he was your canidate of choice because he would crush the islamo thugs and you have defended him with such zeal I guess would be the word.
Casa above has really put his finger on what will probably happen. -
2/12/07, 4:32 AM
Anonymous said...
I will tell you this I have never set out a Pres election in my life. It would be a tough thing for me to do even if the Guy was Rudy. It might boil down to having to hold our noses. -
2/12/07, 7:58 AM
Anonymous said...
Hallelujah. That's all I want to see Jack.
Sooo 1 down, 15M or so to go.
MM -
2/12/07, 10:49 AM
- cmblake6 said...
The "lesser of two evils" crap is getting awfully old. Why not something in a good/bad choice? Not a bad/reallybad?
2/12/07, 2:32 PM
- Desert Cat said...
It's not entirely true that we're screwed with HRC. If we had the Lizard Queen and a solid Republican majority in Congress, we'd have gridlock. And that's not a bad thing compared to the lukewarm resistance the conservative Repubs have given Bush's statist agenda.
So no. I won't vote for Rudy no matter what. -
2/12/07, 7:52 PM
Anonymous said...
I said might have to hold our nose. I do not really think Rudy can get the nomination. He is just to far out in left field to get the required votes. I really suggest people read winning the Future and Newts post on his web site this guy has some great ideas. I was never a fan of his by the way I knew he was screwed by the dems and falsly accused but he has been completely cleared of any wrong doing.
2/13/07, 5:54 AM