Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"He was a such a good boy. I don't know what happened."

The teenager wanted "to kill a large number of people" and probably would have killed many more if not for the off-duty officer, Police Chief Chris Burbank said.

The early, and even yet, news reports about the Salt Lake City mall shooting were pretty much along these lines.  Boy with access to guns goes over the edge and kills five  in a crowded shopping mall.  "He was such a good boy, nobody saw this coming, blah-blah-blah."  Nobody knows what set him off.

How about this.

His name was Sulejmen Talovic
He was a Bosnian, and I'll bet a Muslim

I'm waiting for news that this kid was an acolyte of some radical Imam, in some radical Utah mosque.   We're looking at a Jihadist, is my guess.  I'm also wondering why there weren't more people in that mall trying to stop this kid.  Utah is a carry state after all. 


Anonymous said...

"But, he was always such a good boy."

Anonymous said...

Funny - there's not a word about it on drudge (or instapundit, at this point) - I had to see it here first.

Anonymous said...

Michael Savage had the news last night and several calls claim there is a mosque very near the killing ground. Here's a list of Moslem sites in the city:

Al-Noor Mosque
740 S. 700 East,
Salt Lake City, UT 84102

Al-rasool Mosque
470 Stanley Avenue (3180 South)
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
801-467-3978 (site down)

Khadeeja Mosque
1019 West Parkway Avenue,
Salt Lake City, UT 84119

Iqra Academy of Utah
2887 East 700 South,
Salt Lake City, UT 84121, USA
Phone: 801-943-6806

Thank you Bill Clinton and the traitors and capitulators at State.

Anonymous said...

I had a hunch he was muslim,but not a word anywhere re same until here....Don't wanna let that cat oughta the bag.

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere he was Bosnian. Might be a former poster on a blog I used to check out on occasion. He was nuts hated everyone.

Anonymous said...

The Al-Noor Mosque is about 1-1/2 blocks (~300 yds.) from Trolley Square Mall where the shooting took place. It is also the headquarters for the Salt Lake Islamic Society. If you believe the Bosnian Muslims are all secular, check out the number of burhkas in recent news photos.

For the first time in my life, I'm becoming intolerant and believe there is a cancer both in our body politic and in our religions, and we must cut it out or perish slowly and painfully.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

This shopping mall had a sign posted banning firearms. So people with concealed carry permits could not bring their weapons into the mall. Only crazed muslims on a binge carried.So the public is in more danger where legal firearms are not allowed. Kavorkian??!

Anonymous said...

Originally it was reported that the 18-year-old lived with his mother and three sisters and now it is said that he also had an apartment near Trolley Square--so it will be interesting to see what is found there.

Michele Malkin's blog had a good report, as usual, and a link to Charles Johnson (LGF) with a quote I'm going to steal; "Sudden Jihad Syndrome?"

Everyone here is probably as well informed as I--however, I found it interesting that OPD's off-duty officer Ken Hammond's concealed carry weapon was an eight-round Kimber .45 APC. -Minuteman from Utah

Anonymous said...

According to the radio this morning, there was an armed concealed carry permit holder present, Hammond's wife who stayed in the restaurant. Local pols, even the lefty mayor of SLC are hustling to get next to Hammond who comes off as a pretty decent guy.

Anonymous said...

"Secular muslim" is like "God fearing atheist". Muslim is a religion, not a race.

Anonymous said...

He had an Armored Personnel Carrier? Just kidding...

Not totally sure yet, but I suspect it's the Kimber Pro Carry. Kim du Toit knows about it. here's another good review.

It's an awfully nice gun, if you can take the recoil. .45 ACP, 4" barrel, aluminum frame-- that adds up to punishment. Grip it tight and hang on. I wouldn't want to be in front of it.

Anonymous said...

Aww... darn. Coding errors.

Add to the above post:
Kim du Toit and Kimber Pro Carry.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I think Malkin may have taken "Sudden Jihad Syndrome?" from LGF who used it last night.

also from LGF

"At Wikipedia, the PC police are deliberately suppressing the display of the word “Muslim” in the article about Sulejman Talovic: . (Hat tip: RedWhiteAndJew.)"

Anonymous said...

Tim makes a great point. I've tried to figure out these assholes for years and keep coming to the same conclusion. Pretzel logic.

Anonymous said...

45 ACP=Automatic Colt Pistol- an M-113 would a been an asset to have on hand though, could a used it to smash through the nearby Mosque...
Yet another case of a mini Jihad and IMMEDIATE rush by LEOsand the press to deny it. Anyone remember 4th of July at the El Al counter, LAX? Muslim fanatic America hater- even the FBI had to quietly admit that one.
They are gonna keep picken off the sheep, until we get proactive- or at least reactive.
Rob in AK

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a Tom Clancy novel in which terrorists started hitting malls? As to the off-duty officers Kimber, my concealed carry was* a Series I Pro-Carry. And Kim is right: great gun, kicks like hell but it's a point-and-shoot. And don't be in front of it. [*was - arthritis got bad enought I couldn't rack the slide. Now carry a S&W 325PD - .45 revolver that's less than half the weight of the Kimber. Easier to load, hurts worse to shoot!] OldeForce

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to think that Slobodan Milosovic was simply misunderstood.

Anonymous said...

I have been to Trolley Square many times and do not recall seeing a "no guns" sign -- where was that?

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