Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lefty documentary

This cheesy lefto-film takes snippets, and I mean snippets of just a few words at times, leaving out all context, and blends them into an indictment of Osama-Bama's candidacy.   That's what I saw anyway.  Robert Greenwald's intention was to show how unfair Fox News is.  This guy actually sells this crap, so he may even win an Oscar for best documentary.  Be sure and watch the whispered instruction just after the credit splash.  I found it sort of chilling, and added a brief editorial. It may be useful to watch the trailer where Greenwald explains that while the alphabets and CNN have a political point of view, they aren't at all biased the way FOX is.  He must believe his own shit, which makes him a twinky of the 3rd kind.


Anonymous said...

i wonder if this fool thinks it was okay for Billy to lie under oath...

or lie about the Genocide of Rwanda...

or lie about raping a Woman in Arkansas...

maybe he believes Hillary's lies about her vote to authorize the use of force in Iraq...

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Prolly not, but I'm trying to see the connection to this video?

Anonymous said...



i thought your ending was outstanding.

but after gritting my teeth, watching his video effort, i had nothing on my mind but a bit of anger.
so, not able to think in a reasoned manner, being a bit pissed, i remarked about what i am obsessed with, in relation to these liberal loons as it most affects me.
being their voting for idiot, corrupt democrats like the Clintons...
in nyc, you see HRC on almost every corner these days.
for example, lately, when i see a code pinker, i often ask myself, why in the hell did these feminist loons defend Bill Clinton.
i know many (if not all), liberals are mindless.
sure, i am obsessed i suppose.
but i keep thinking idiots like this fool, who made this film, are going to try like hell to put Hillary in the WH.

and i worry some Conservatives will complain and refuse to vote because the GOP candidate has one issue they aren't pleased with...

i suppose i need a vacation.

Anonymous said...

Why this is an Obamanation!Boazo

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