scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Speaker Hankey's Jet
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Just like a liberal. Always believing they're more important than God, Himself. According to the body language I saw of her in Afghanistan, someone had airbrushed the crown, septor and cape out of the photos. Damn them!
Speaking of Dennis Hastert though, our daughter got to give him a tour of their plane when she was deployed to the desert 2003. It was a real honor for her to meet him. Don't imagine meeting Hankey would be so grand. -
2/8/07, 12:49 PM
Anonymous said...
Isn't it ironic that, when she felt the need for something that could stay up longer, she had to turn to Republicans?
2/8/07, 3:47 PM
Anonymous said...
She should just be happy she's getting a Cessna 172.
2/8/07, 4:21 PM
- AnnoyedOne said...
I'd give her a hot-air balloon. It'd be self-powered.
2/8/07, 6:52 PM
Anonymous said...
heard she blamed former Sec. Rummy and Murtha threatened Defense Spending...
then she said the Repubs cannot talk about the Economy or Iraq?
Economy rocks, and the Demos voted to stop debate on Iraq in the Senate.
this is the garbage the Democrats bring to everything.
also heard, the Dems don't remove Code Pinkos who make a stink at Congressional Hearings...
they just ask them to sit down, and such, while permitting the Congress to be turned into a Circus. -
2/8/07, 7:37 PM
Anonymous said...
The new "Broom-Stick One"
from your own web-page:
http://www.terpsboy.com/blogarchives/000131.html -
2/8/07, 9:34 PM
- Bob Hawkins said...
If Republicans were even a little bit Machiavellian, they'd have given Pelosi an A380 with a hot tub, mini-disco and soccer court. And they'd have let her campaign in it. Instead they stop her from throwing herself over the cliff.
Hey, what is it with the 17-letter Turing word? I'm going to run PKUNZIP on that thing, I think it's the last chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. -
2/8/07, 9:47 PM
Anonymous said...
Well,it IS a bi-wing so she wont have to ride 'sidesaddle'...(refer to Rodger's earlier 'wings' post)
2/9/07, 8:08 AM