cornerstone of democracy is a free press. Right?
Controlling the news in the electronic age is also the first priority
for totalitarian regimes seeking to overthrow democracies, e.g.
Hitler's Goebbels franchise, the Democratic party, Islamo
fascist Al-Jazeera. Launching Iraq into a new era of democratic
rule, then, required a reliable broadcast voice, a bulwark against
forces with an interest in seeing Iraq fail at democracy. To that
end, the American taxpayer has been funding Al-Hurra television
''Fighting to create a secular democracy in Iraq,
parliamentarian Mithal al-Alusi had come to rely on at least one TV
network to help further freedom".
Suddenly, however, the station's broadcasting philosophy did an
about face, treating positive news much like the New York Times and CNN
do here, that is - ignore it. Then the station recently stunned its Board of Governors by broadcasting most of a speech by Hezbollah leader
Sheikh Hasan Nasrallah.. So what happened? A Baath Party
infiltration? Al-Qaeda moles? Close.
The airing of the Nasrallah speech is a sign of the network's new
direction since it was taken over by a longtime CNN producer, Larry
Register, last November.
Within weeks of becoming news director, Mr. Register put his own stamp
on the network. Producers and on-air talent quickly understood that
change was underway. Investigations into Arab government wrongdoing or
oppression were no longer in vogue, and the ban on turning the airwaves
over to terrorists was lifted....