Thursday, March 08, 2007

Dirty Sanchez

  Not only do Columbia Univ students hate having U.S. military in their midst, now the liberal left is  attacking gays! (Or, go straight to the source and have your eyes burst into flames. - I'm not kidding NSFW gay sex Blog)


Anonymous said...

I always thought gay porn, along with abortion, was supposed to be a sacrament to the "We hate Amerikkka" crowd.

You mean it's not?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I'm laughing here because this guy's filthy participation in porn has nothing to do with his being a Marine reservist attending Columbia, but you must admit it's a Coulter basher's dream come true. Great fun for them, but zero impact points.

Anonymous said...

Do you REALLY not get that no one on the left is slamming Sanchez because he's an ex-pornstar or because he's gay?

Let me fill you in.

We are slamming him because he is a hypocrite. He's GAY. He engages in the very sexual acts and "lifestyle" that the today's christo-fascist controlled conservative movement forwards as responsible for the eventual and inevitable downfall of America.On top of that he took MONEY to engage in these acts on a professional basis. A significant part of the movement he calls his own, thinks Katrina was God's holy judgement, because New Orleans was about to host a gay pride festival. He has pledged fealty to the movement that has as a supporting truss of it's platform an attempt to keep gay Americans from realizing all the right's, priviledges and responsibilities of heterosexual Americans. The right wing is on CONSTANT attack against the gay community. He is being slammed because he is a hypocrite.

Willfull ignorance is STILL ignorance fellas.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

WTF did I just say in the comment before yours?

Anonymous said...

Typical lefty.

Protected classes are their icons ... unless they vote republican.

Then they suddenly become homophobes and racists. The left can call this man a faggot and throw Oreos at him, because he has become a ( gasp! ) Rethuglican.

His "protected class" creds are now magically canceled, and the libtards can now act like homophobe Klansmen around him.

Anonymous said...

What the above hater cannot grasp is that people can change. We all should strive to better our lives and ourself as people. This young man changed and realized he was living a destructive life so people like the hater above wish to drag him down. I know that homosexual conduct is deviate conduct and unhealthy all you need do is some sensible research but this does not mean that homosexuals are to be abused or mistreated. Oh and homosexuals have the very same rights as anyone else they are free to marry just I I was free to marry They just cannot make a shame marriage with another man.

Forceleader999 said...

Jesus H. Christ. He's not being slammed because he's a hypocrite, he's being slammed for the same reason blacks get slammed for voting Republican: He wandered off the "progressive" reservation.

drwilliamsamh, you are the weakest link.

Anonymous said...

Wow guys. Way NOT to address the substance of my post. Again he's being slammed because he is endorsing a party that seeks to criminalized his own consensual behavior and deny him the rights of his hetero-sexual counterparts. Do you deny this?

Have a nice trip in the land of nod. Its called hypocrisy fellas. Look it up.

Anonymous said...

I was unaware that the Republican party had a platform plank to criminalize homosexuality.

Could you post a link to this plank?

Anonymous said...

My brother is a gay Republican. He has run for office, and won, and successfully served, and run again, and won. In heartland red America. I think fewer and fewer conservatives use quiet homosexuality as a litmus test. He is now in private practice. You'll forgive me for being anonymous right now to protect his identity.

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