scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Oh boy, Ann sure hit the nail on the head with this article: that it's illegal to be Republican and Republicans are gutless appeasers.
3/7/07, 11:34 PM
Anonymous said...
Ted Kennedy killed a woman. Robert Byrd was in the Klan. John Kerry testified under oath that he was a war criminal. These people got some nerve.
3/7/07, 11:38 PM
Anonymous said...
It all boils down to character...conservatives tend to be abashed when they are caught in a conundrum. Leftards have a marked proclivity towards righteous indignation that people would have an interest in their transgressions.
Bah! Lefturds...who needs 'em? -
3/8/07, 2:58 AM
Anonymous said...
Erm. Dat was me^^^. Mid-terms are over, so I'm splurging on late nights and Miller Lites.
skh -
3/8/07, 3:00 AM
Anonymous said...
The sad fact is that through out his whole administration Bush has failed to take on the democrap liars he should have taken the gloves off long ago and take his case to the American people and point out there lies and hipocracy. But Bush has no stomach for that kind of nasty back stabbing fight that the crappers are expert at.They will stand and look you right in the eye and lie like a rug while they even know that you know they are lying. They are shameless.
3/8/07, 7:19 AM
Anonymous said...
The MSM, by it's war on the conservative right, tacitly admits that the conservatives know the difference between moral and immoral, and the liberal left does not.
3/8/07, 8:34 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack, you're absolutely right. And of the current crop of Republican contenders, who looks like they'll take this bunch on? And when you get that list down to 1, add in the experience he has as an utterly ruthless DA himself. And further, he took on the minority ratpack(Sharpton et.al) in NY, full frontal and won. And the unions. And won.
Everyone on our side bitches and moans how W didn't take his case to the press enough or W didn't have Gonzales prosecute Berger or W was coralled by Teddy and his bunch or W whatever. Well, you may not like all of Rudy's positions, I know for example the gun guy Kim says he would never vote for him because of his 2nd amendment violations or Laura Ingrahm says hands down because he's pro-abortion(absolute last resort, but still).
Well folks, you want someone that can get elected who has the pineapples, who is not a go along guy, who won't have Teddy over to watch a movie in the White House, who(OMG) isn't Reagan, than choke it down. Or get used to President HRC.
MM -
3/8/07, 9:50 AM
Anonymous said...
ANN kicks butt...
3/8/07, 10:03 AM
Anonymous said...
I have statd after the last weekend I will hold my nose and vote for Rudy against any of the current democraps. But there are other people that are running that can very well defeat hillary or Obama. I have sent articles to Roger from conservative analyst that say the same thing I have about Rudy I will vote for him if I have to but he is no conservative and it will still probably put Hillary or Obama in office if he carries the parties standard that is just a fact. Nor do i believe conservatives demand another Reagan we are smart enough to know that does not happen that often but conservatives have a right to expect there party to select someone that agrees with them on at least a few issues. Rudy is pro abortion , he is for open border, he supported NY as a heaven for illegals and would not allow the police to call INS or check for status.He is anti second amendment and has been his whole career. he joined the suit against gun manufacturers, he should have suied the makers of cars they kill more people., He even supported partial birth abortion, Not to mention his personal married life has been a mess, married 3 times not just 1 divorce but married 3 times, He has serious problems. I could o on here with much more but other than willing to kill terrorist there is hardly any difference between Rudy and Hillary. But If I am forced to I will vote for him and pray we can stave off him destroying our country by throwing open the doors to all. -
3/8/07, 2:16 PM
Anonymous said...
Yeah, so?
My point is all of us conservatives bitch about W, mostly cenetred around his seemingly go along to get along penchant at times. While all 3 of the top Republican candidates support the war, this post was started with Ann's column(not what Rudy's lacks) which bemoaned the pussified Republican response to the dem war on conservatives. IMO only Rudy has got 'em hanging low enough, of the 3, based on his past, to get in the dem's faces.
Even this week's hit piece on Rudy in Newsweek could not gloss over his many sucesses. Check it out.
And who honestly gives a woot about his 3 marriages?
MM -
3/8/07, 4:35 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
The same people who ignored Clinton's half-dozen (at least) rapes, untold numbers of harassments, and hundreds of extra marital affairs. That's who'll raise that Rudy stink.
3/8/07, 7:31 PM
Anonymous said...
So that would be....??
Am not following your drift there Rog.
MM -
3/9/07, 12:13 AM