scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Hume and the WaPOST
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
- ben said...
Brit Hume for president.
It's not like there are any other good options. -
3/1/07, 10:36 AM
- Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
Damn it, blogger is being a stupid bastard.
As I said, Hume is the best. I watch his midnight run all the time, even if I managed to catch the first run. He's very tame in what he says. Put him up to a Hannity who's a smart guy but when put with Alan Colmes, a relatively calm Lib, he comes off as an ass...Hume looks great.
When he says something stinging about the Dems in his very slow and underhanded way, I want to high five the nearest person to me. -
3/1/07, 10:38 AM
Anonymous said...
www.GOHunter08.com !
3/1/07, 10:42 AM
Anonymous said...
wishing FOX would run the Grapevine on the non cable network. -
3/1/07, 11:19 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
It's one of my links so have it it. You can watch every segment online.
3/1/07, 11:26 AM
Anonymous said...
These guys are all too nice -- a second Dark Ages is decending on the planet, and I want to konw that I'm not alone in being good and pissed off about that. Surely I'm not the only one?
Currently, blogs are like the Samizdat, the Soviet-era underground printing press network that could print the unpopular, unofficial, non-government-blessed news stores and literature. But the new samizdat is growing to replace the Dan Blather and Bill Moyers and other pretentious fucks that have been spoon-feeding us their lies and bullshit for the past forty years.
I think the blog needs to make the leap to become mainstream (perhaps it is, one-reader-at-a-time) but who will step up and become the "face" of blogging and the New Media? Whoever, he must be so hard-hitting, so boldly truthful that it is nearly shocking to the audience. That's how phenonemons happen. What would General McArthur say about this mess? I'm not precisely sure of the content, but I have a pretty good general idea and I know for a fact it wouldn't be polite. But he was a man who wasn't afraid to identify 1) a problem exists 2) name the enemy 3) say what needs to be done to that enemy to remove the threat 4) implement #3.
There's nobody with that much courage in television. Everyone's too damned pretty and too damned polite. Teamed up with the current crop of empty suits and schemers running for (and in) congress, and it's a dangerous brew. No checks and balances, just a wink-and-a-nod and everyone keeps travelling down the well-worn, comfortable path to our ruin.
Personally, I'd like to see Michael Savage do a news hour and rip the hypocrits in the media, the blood-thirsty Muslims, the cowardly Europeans, and of course our lying, self-serving politicians to shreds.
--Jack -
3/1/07, 1:34 PM
Anonymous said...
Savage is right on about half the time and I mean RIGHT*FFINGONTHEBUTTON. The other half he's out to lunch. Never have listened to anyone quite like him.
Your over all point is well taken Jack. I agree with it 100% Hey Rog, what's your voice sound like?
MM -
3/1/07, 11:38 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Stand back, because I have to yell ...
How's that? -
3/2/07, 9:05 AM