Thursday, March 01, 2007

Union Ballots

George Miller - Nancy's Beria
Union Bullies
To turn one of my own phrases, the Democrat party are communists without the guns, and Rep. George Miller (D CA) is a metaphor for Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria. A member of Speaker Hankey Pelosi's inner circle, the man is as ruthless as he is nuts. (I wish I'd saved the audio of his House floor rants, diatribes and threats of physical violence). Miller is spearheading a labor union payback bill that would do away with the secret ballot in workplace votes on unionizing.  How bad is it?  Pretty bad if the electronic equivalent of Pravda will run this National Review commentary. Here's the interesting part.

Democrats, including California congressman George Miller, chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, have historically been strong supporters of the ballot procedure. In 2001, Miller and fifteen other House Democrats wrote to a local government in Mexico: “the secret ballot is absolutely necessary in order to ensure that workers are not intimidated into voting for a union they might not otherwise choose.”

Miller has since done a 180-degree turn, and is now the lead sponsor of H.R. 800, a bill that, among a slew of labor-law changes tilted toward unions, would abolish secret-ballot elections here in America. The bill would allow unions to organize via so-called “card check” campaigns, in which union representatives can collect signatures to form a union without any privacy protections.

Why?  The Democrat Party is owned by Big Labor which is "is desperate."  Membership has shrunk to 7.5 percent of the workforce, and much of that are government employees who have no choice. Another example of Democrat Party principle


Anonymous said...

Methinks the customers will soon tire of this group of whores.


Anonymous said...

Democrats know which side the votes are buttered on.

Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

I know the Union gives the Democrats alot of money, but don't they risk looking just as you said? Bought and paid for by Unions? Doesn't that, shouldn't that make them look bad to independents and crap? This is, as far as I have read, a really unpopular thing that it looks like they'll pass...Does that not come to bite them in the ass like it would our side?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Josh, ask the next person you see who the Secretary of State is. Or the name of their Representative.

Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

I never understood the big deal about that. How do you not know the basics about where you live? The first thing I ever did before moving here was look up who'd be our Rep.

Rick Renzi is ours. He's under Federal investigation for some kind of Real Estate thing. A Repub, of course. Why do these House guys have to stick their damn fat hands in the cookie jar?

Anonymous said...

Where is RICO when you need it? I guess the Fed's are too busy investigating Border Patrol Agents.

Anonymous said...


well stated Mr. S.

Anonymous said...

Wait a second... I thought the libs were all for counting every vote and equal opportunity, etc. etc. etc.
(where's that sarcasm tag when I need it?)

Rodger the Real King of France said...

They are for counting every vote Jack, they just want to know the names of the voters, and how they voted.

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