Sunday, March 18, 2007

Penn Teller Environmental Hysteria

Environmental Hysteria

Penn & Teller - 98% PG version
(I missed one "GD" and one "BS")


Anonymous said...

Bejus. I've not seen that degree of stoopud in a long time. That Butterfly chick needs an ass whooping.


Anonymous said...

Something's missing... oh yes, now I know. Odor. So I went outside and stepped in a pile of dog shit then hit "rewind." Now, it's just like beng there.

Who needs fiber optic HDTV? This is like virtual reality! Realism, baby!

Hippies without stink is like water without wet.

Anonymous said...

BTW, what is the deal with idiots and drums? Drum circles, even? It seems like the more (and/or louder) the drums, the stupider the audience. Hmmm... Now that I think about it, that would explain Rap music AND hippies.

Grand unified theory of stupid. You heard it here first.

Anonymous said...

Thank you sir, My friend who confessed to me that global warming is real watched it and his opinion is now changing. You pulled one back from the brink.

Next time you have one of those meetings back behind the barn, look me up.

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